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Support teachers to meet their professional development requirements
Your professional development requirements have changed
Effective from 16 August 2024 the professional development (PD) requirements for teachers maintaining Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher accreditation have been changed.
NESA has removed the Accredited and Elective PD categories to give teachers more flexibility in completing their required 100 hours of PD.
You can continue to log PD in eTAMS or offline and submit your maintenance of accreditation when due and once you complete 100 hours of PD. All PD activities already logged will count towards your required PD hours.
Find out more about these changes and watch our video for more information.
PD supports continual growth
Access to quality PD opportunities is key for a teacher’s professional growth and maintenance of accreditation.
Through ongoing PD activities, teachers update their knowledge and skills in:
- pedagogy
- curriculum
- learning and assessment
- wellbeing and safety.
This allows teachers to have the greatest impact on improving student/child learning.
PD requirements
Teachers accredited at Proficient Teacher or above must complete a minimum of 100 hours of PD within their maintenance period.
Teachers are required to record their PD and retain their record for 12 months after they finalise their maintenance of accreditation, but you are not required to monitor their PD record. It is the teacher’s responsibility to keep a record of any PD that they complete.
Priority areas for professional development
While no longer mandatory, priority areas remain important areas of teaching and learning.
The 5 priority areas are:
- delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework
- student/child mental health
- students/children with disability
- Aboriginal education and supporting Aboriginal students/children
- leadership to support the learning outcomes of students and children.
Employers may choose areas of priority for their staff, but these decisions are made at a school/early childhood service and system level. Employers are responsible for the content and quality of PD for their staff where they determine a priority.
Use our video and presentation (PDF 134.19KB) to help unpack the recent changes to professional development.
Related information
Maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation Procedure for principals service directors and employers (PDF 154.95KB)- Professional development requirements
- NSW Teacher Accreditation Manual
- Maintain Proficient Teacher accreditation for teachers
Streamlining Professional Development 2024 presentation (PDF 134.19KB)