Smart City Innovation Challenges

Innovation challenges are uncovering leading-edge technology and data solutions to help improve government decision making and services.

A person holding a smartphone while sitting in a train carriage.

About Smart City Innovation Challenges

Learn about the program, goals and process.

Learn more about the challenges

A person on an escalators at a train station.


Unity Place Activation, Burwood.
Challenge 4

Place-based data partnerships for vibrancy

How might place-based data sharing and analytics support vibrancy across NSW? Challenge underway.


Cyclists on a shared path riding by the lake.
Challenge 3

Active transport

How might we use data and technology to better understand active transport in NSW and make evidence-based decisions to support adoption and mode shift? Contract awarded and challenge underway.


A woman pushes a pram with a child inside, while looking at a painting on an outdoor wall in Liverpool.
Challenge 2

Safer public spaces for women and girls

How might we use technology to help make public spaces feel safer and more comfortable for women and girls? Contract awarded and challenge underway.


A group of people in high visibility clothing and helmets sort through waste on a recycling conveyor belt.
Challenge 1

Circular economy

How might we support circular economy initiatives? Challenge completed.

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