Accreditation resource index

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) developed these resources to support teacher accreditation. Use this index to find resources in all areas of teacher accreditation, including procedures, forms and templates.

Get accredited

Find resources for getting accredited to teach in NSW, including the application for mutual recognition and principles for employers of Conditionally accredited teachers.


Resources for applicants

Applying for accreditation with NESA (PDF 227.41KB)Read this flyer for an overview of the steps graduate teachers must take to apply for Provisional or Conditional accreditation.
Principles for the employment of conditionally accredited teachers (PDF 158.66KB)Read these principles to learn how teacher education providers and employers can support Conditionally accredited teachers.


Resources for supporting applicants

Priority Request fact sheet for Initial Accreditation (employers and principals) (PDF 191.12KB)How to make a priority request for first-time accreditation if you are a principal or employer, and need a teacher to start at your school immediately.
Conditional Accreditation fact sheet (employers and principals) (PDF 160.28KB)Information for principals and employers on eligibility for Conditional accreditation. Supporting the employment of eligible Initial Teacher Education (ITE) students as teachers.

Apply for Proficient Teacher accreditation

Find out how to apply for Proficient Teacher accreditation, guides to help you demonstrate how the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards) apply to your practice and how to support a teacher applying.


Resources for applicants

Applying for Proficient Teacher accreditation procedure for K–12 teachers (PDF 186.87KB)K–12 teachers can read this procedure to understand the steps you need to take toward achieving Proficient Teacher accreditation.
Applying for Proficient Teacher accreditation (Interim arrangements) (PDF 277.06KB)Interim procedures for early childhood teachers, accreditation supervisors, service directors and employers on achieving Proficient Teacher accreditation.
Applying for Proficient Teacher procedure for non-school/service based teachers  (PDF 201.13KB)Non-school/service based teachers can read this procedure on the steps they need to take to achieve Proficient Teacher accreditation.
Proficient Teacher evidence guide (PDF 674.94KB)K–12 and early childhood teachers working towards Proficient Teacher accreditation can use this guide to understand how to compile and annotate documentary evidence.
Understanding effective evidence in a PT application (PDF 211.34KB)Our fact sheet can guide you on what makes effective evidence and questions to consider when developing your evidence for your Proficient Teacher application.


Resources for supporting applicants

Accreditation Supervisor guide (PDF 275.88KB)Read this guide to understand the Accreditation Supervisor role and the process of supporting teachers through the Proficient Teacher accreditation process.
Applying for Proficient Teacher accreditation procedure for Accreditation Supervisors (PDF 148.25KB)Read this procedure to understand how to support provisionally or conditionally accredited teachers working towards achieving Proficient Teacher accreditation.
Applying for Proficient Teacher accreditation procedure for K–12 employers (PDF 123.9KB)

Read this guide to understand the internal procedures you must have in place as an employer.

Early childhood employers should refer to the interim arrangements (PDF 277.06KB)

Applying for Proficient Teacher accreditation procedure for principals (PDF 151.86KB)Read this procedure to understand your role as a principal supporting a teacher to achieve Proficient Teacher accreditation.
Fact sheet – accreditation requirements to teach in NSW schools (PDF 131.25KB)Read this fact sheet to find out about accreditation requirements for teachers, including principals and executive staff, to teach in NSW schools.
Fact sheet – accreditation requirements to teach in NSW services (PDF 132.62KB)Read this fact sheet to find out more about accreditation requirements for teachers, including service directors and executive staff, to teach in NSW centre-based early childhood services.
Observation report template (PDF 960KB)Accreditation Supervisors can use this template as a framework to record an observation of a teacher who is working towards Proficient Teacher accreditation.

Maintain accreditation

Find resources for teachers maintaining their accreditation, including the NESA Professional Development (PD) log template, an extension form if you need more time to meet requirements and a form to record how you continue to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards).

NESA Professional Development Log (PDF 318.07KB)Use this optional template to log your professional development (PD) as part of maintaining your teacher accreditation.
HALT maintenance of accreditation form (PDF 197.94KB)Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers must complete this form to finalise their maintenance of accreditation in the final three months of their maintenance period. This form must be submitted by their principal/service director/employer to NESA by the end of the teacher’s maintenance end date.
Maintenance of Proficient Teacher accreditation form for non-school and service based teachers (PDF 183.49KB)Proficient teachers in eligible non-school and service based roles can use this application to voluntarily maintain their accreditation.
Maintaining Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation procedure for teachers (PDF 188.75KB)Read this procedure to understand the steps you need to take to maintain your HALT accreditation.
Maintaining Proficient Teacher accreditation procedure for teachers (PDF 166.65KB)Use this procedure to follow the steps you need to take to maintain your Proficient Teacher accreditation.
Streamlining Professional Development 2024 presentation (PDF 182.95KB)Overview of the PD changes, removing Accredited and Elective PD for teachers maintaining their accreditation.
Changes to Professional Development requirements videoLearn more about the removal of Accredited and Elective PD, as well as other recent changes to teachers’ PD requirements.

Resources for supporting applicants

Maintaining Proficient Teacher accreditation procedure for principals, service directors, and employers (PDF 154.95KB)Follow this procedure if you are a principal, service director or employer supporting a teacher to maintain their Proficient Teacher accreditation.
Maintaining Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation procedure for principals, service directors and employers (PDF 251.46KB)Follow this procedure if you are a principal, service director or employer supporting a teacher to maintain their HALT accreditation.

Apply for HALT accreditation

Find resources for applying for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation, including guides and templates to support your application, and resources to use while you support an applicant.

View the resources for the following areas:

Resources for applicants


Applying for HALT accreditation procedure for teachers (PDF 283.05KB)Early childhood and school teachers can read this procedure to understand what is involved in applying for HALT accreditation.

Evidence guides

Highly Accomplished Teacher evidence guide – For applicants working in K–12 schools (PDF 571.18KB)Teachers can use this guide to understand the evidence needed to demonstrate the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards) at Highly Accomplished Teacher.
Highly Accomplished Teacher evidence guide – For applicants working in early childhood services (PDF 610.91KB)Early childhood teachers can use this guide to understand the evidence needed to demonstrate the Standards at Highly Accomplished Teacher.
Lead Teacher evidence guide – For applicants working in K–12 schools (PDF 573.54KB)Teachers can use this guide to understand the evidence needed to demonstrate the Standards at Lead Teacher.
Lead Teacher evidence guide – For applicants working in early childhood services (PDF 619.78KB)Early childhood teachers can use this guide to understand the evidence needed to demonstrate the Standards at Lead Teacher.
Fact sheets
Collaborative evidence fact sheet (PDF 155.17KB)This fact sheet explains in-depth collaborative evidence together with examples.
Indirect impact fact sheet (PDF 117.37KB)This fact sheet explains requirements of indirect evidence, differences between indirect and direct evidence, and roles and related evidence of indirect impact.
Internal observation fact sheet (PDF 120.36KB)Find out the requirements for internal observations, what they should include, and how and when they are submitted.
NESA recognised programs fact sheet (PDF 120.37KB)Find out more information about what qualifies for a NESA recognised program, how it contributes to a HALT application and case studies.

Internal observations

Applicant guide – Internal observations (PDF 183.33KB)Read this guide for advice about the requirements for internal observations of teaching practice for HALT accreditation.
Internal observation report template – Applicant’s observation of a colleague (PDF 184.19KB)HALT applicants can use this template as a framework to report on an observation of a colleague’s teaching practice.
Other templates
Template for collaborative evidence (PDF 95.6KB)Use this template to submit evidence from a collaborative project or initiative as part of your HALT application.

Site visits

Site visit guide – Applicants (PDF 279.65KB)Read this guide for advice on planning, preparing and running a site visit.
Site visit – Recorded observation schedule and details (PDF 273.69KB)Use this template to share information with the External Assessor for a recorded observation.
Site visit – On site observation schedule template (PDF 79.36KB)Use this template to share information with the External Assessor for an on site observation.
Site visit session plan template (PDF 116.06KB)Complete this template to plan your sessions.
Site visit professional discussion notes template (PDF 73.42KB)Use this template to help prepare your own discussion points for the professional discussion with the External Assessor.

Resources for supporting applicants

Applying for HALT accreditation procedure for principals, service directors and employers (PDF 232.11KB)Read this procedure to understand what you need to do when supporting a teacher applying for HALT accreditation.
External Assessor Guide – Site Visit (PDF 254.98KB)External assessors can use this guide to learn about their role and responsibilities in the application process.
Principal or service director guide – Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation (PDF 219.51KB)Principals and service directors can read this guide to understand their role in the application process.

Manage your accreditation

Find resources for managing your accreditation, including forms for voluntary cancellation and Leave of Absence.

Applying for a Leave of Absence procedure (PDF 198.21KB)Read this procedure if you are applying for a Leave of Absence.
Extension of time application form (PDF 223.05KB)Complete this application to request an extension to meet Proficient Teacher or maintenance requirements.
Non-practising teacher accreditation procedure information for K–12 and early childhood teachers (PDF 142.96KB)Follow this procedure if you want to change to Non-practising accreditation.
Leave of Absence for suspended teachers application form (PDF 699.77KB)Suspended teachers who do not hold an active accreditation can use this application to apply for a Leave of Absence. All other teachers can apply in their NESA online account (eTAMS).
Voluntary cancellation of teacher accreditation application form (PDF 183.25KB)Use this application to voluntarily cancel accreditation.

Returning Teachers

Use these resources to apply for re-accreditation, or immediate accreditation at Proficient Teacher.

Applying for immediate accreditation at Proficient Teacher procedure for teachers (PDF 225.58KB)Eligible returning teachers can read this procedure how the steps they need to take to apply for immediate accreditation at Proficient Teacher.
Applying for immediate accreditation at Proficient Teacher procedure for principals (PDF 210.97KB)Learn about the steps you can take to support an eligible returning teacher to apply for immediate accreditation at Proficient Teacher.
Immediate accreditation at Proficient Teacher application form (PDF 276.29KB)Eligible returning teachers can use this application to apply for immediate accreditation at Proficient Teacher.
Re-accreditation after Voluntary Cancellation, Ceasing and Revocation procedure for teachers (K–12 and early childhood) (PDF 188.41KB)Read this procedure on the steps required to apply for re-accreditation under the different pathways.
Re-accreditation after cancellation application form (PDF 210.48KB)Teachers can use this application to apply for re-accreditation after cancelling their accreditation.
Re-accreditation after ceasing application form (PDF 279.28KB)Provisional and Conditional teachers can use this application to apply for re-accreditation after their accreditation has ceased.
Re-accreditation after revocation application form (PDF 296.43KB)Teachers can use this application to apply for re-accreditation after their accreditation is revoked.


Find resources to support teachers with accreditation and guide the development of internal employer procedures.

Nominating an early childhood employer representative (PDF 199.62KB)Read this fact sheet for an explanation for early childhood employers to nominate an employer representative as a contact person for all matters relating to teacher accreditation for early childhood teachers.
Teacher Accreditation Fact Sheet for Early Childhood Employers (PDF 297.15KB)Gain a snapshot of provisional and proficient teacher accreditation within the early childhood context.
Employer guidelines for supporting Teacher Accreditation in the Early Childhood sector in NSW (PDF 160.35KB)Find out what your internal procedures need to cover to meet the requirements of the Teacher Accreditation Manual. The Guidelines also include questions you can consider to help develop your procedures.
Teacher Summary Report Fact Sheet (PDF 383.16KB)Understand the key information in a Teacher Summary Report produced from NESA online account system (eTAMS).

Contact our teacher accreditation team

You can contact specialist teacher accreditation staff depending on your circumstances.

Call: 1300 739 338 or if you are calling from overseas +61 2 9268 6300

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