Industry training advisory bodies (ITABs)
NSW industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABs) give the government industry advice on vocational education and training matters in NSW. Here’s how they work and how to contact them.
What ITABs do
NSW industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABs) are a key source of industry advice for the NSW Government.
They’re autonomous bodies that represent their industries on training to support vocational education and training in NSW. They advise on the training and skill needs of their NSW industry sectors. This helps workforce development.
There are 10 ITABs, with each covering specific industry groups.
They give streamlined, unique and timely advice to the Department of Education and its vocational education and training division Training Services.
ITABs help the Department:
- identify industry skill needs, priorities and skills development issues for funded training
- promote training to industry
- provide brokerage services to assist in the take-up of funded training. This includes school based apprenticeships and traineeships
- with advice on apprenticeship and traineeship arrangements including school-based arrangements and the establishment of Vocational Training Orders
- with advice on the development, review and implementation of Training Packages / Training Products
ITABs also share information with other state, territory and Commonwealth stakeholders about industry training and skills needs in New South Wales.
Find an ITAB
The NSW Department of Education has contracted 10 organisations to provide industry training advisory services for nominated industry groupings.
- Arts Communication Finance Industries Property Services
- Agriculture, Food and Animal Management
- Australian Industry Standards Global Ltd
- Automotive Training Board (NSW)
- Building, Construction, Resources and Infrastructure
- Community Services & Health
- ForestWorks Ltd
- Manufacturing Skills Australia
- Utilities & Electrotechnology
- SkillsIQ
For more details contact
ITAB and web link | Industry sectors | Contact details |
ACFIPS (Arts Communication Finance Industries Property Services) |
| Max Wilson PO Box 985 Email: Mobile: 0407 070 840 |
AFAM (Agriculture, Food and Animal Management) |
| Ben Holmes PO Box 329 Email: Mobile: 0434 466 704 |
Australian Industry Standards Global Ltd |
| Lisa Giammarco PO Box 435 Kingston ACT 2604 Email: Mobile: 0427 582 830 |
Automotive Training Board (NSW) |
| Debbie Joyce Level 1, 299 Elizabeth Street Email: Phone: (02) 8251 0032 |
BCRI (Building, Construction, Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Advisory Body) |
| Bob Bowden, Executive Officer 30-32 Pomeroy Street Email: Mobile: 0412 753 298 |
Community Services & Health Industry Training Advisory Body |
| Susan Scowcroft PO Box 366 Email: Mobile: 0418 478 012 |
ForestWorks Ltd |
| Tim Cleary 9/215 Clarence Street Email: Mobile: 0438 846 546 |
MSA NSW ITAB (Manufacturing Skills Australia) |
| Leon Drury PO Box 289 Email: Phone: (02) 8090 0119 |
NSW U&E ITAB (Utilities & Electrotechnology Industry Training Advisory Body Ltd) |
| Melissa Wortman PO Box 1711, Chatswood, NSW, 2057 Email: Phone (02) 9736 2111 |
SkillsIQ |
| Jackie Zelinski PO Box 4194 Sydney NSW 2001 Email: Phone: (02) 9392 8100 |