
Register your baby within 60 days of the birth. It's free and the hospital doesn’t do it for you. After you register your baby, you can apply for a birth certificate.

Register your baby

All births in NSW must be registered within 60 days of the birth.

Birth certificates

Your birth certificate is an important document that you can use as part of your proof of identity.

Commemorative birth certificates

Capture the joy of a new baby or celebrate a special birthday with one of our decorative birth certificate designs.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander births

When you register your new bub you get them off to the right start to take part in all kinds of activities throughout their life.

Certificates and searches for an adoption

How to request searches and certificates for an adopted person and their parents.

Popular baby names

Finding the right name to give to your baby can be fun and challenging. We hope our list of popular names helps you find the one that's just right for you.

Choosing a name

What you need to know about the names you can register in NSW.

Miscarriage, stillbirth and loss of a newborn

The death of a baby during pregnancy or soon after birth is a difficult time for parents and for the people close to them. We acknowledge the emotional hardship you face during this time.
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