Port Kembla has been a key economic driver for the region since the 1890s. It remains a major employer in the Illawarra.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $10,000 to $500,000
- Application opened: 1 July 2022
- Application closed: 14 September 2022
Program objective
The PKCIF is a competitive, merit-based program that financially supports projects that revitalise Port Kembla and surrounding areas for the benefit of the community through new infrastructure, upgrading of existing assets as well as encouraging visitors and tourism.
The objective of the fund is to revitalise Port Kembla through:
- enhanced activation and connectivity of public infrastructure, precincts and community spaces
- increased business and economic activity
- improved environmental air, land and waterway quality.
There are three project streams:
- Stream 1 - Community Infrastructure: construction of new or upgrades to existing community infrastructure that is used primarily for public benefit
- Stream 2 - Business Infrastructure: major capital expenditure on new equipment, facilities, utilities, road and rail access infrastructure
- Stream 3 - Environmental Infrastructure: activities that help decarbonise local industry with a focus on heavy transport mobility.
Applications have now closed and are yet to be announced. Successful projects will be published following formal announcement.
This program is funded and administered by Department of Regional NSW.
Eligible project area

Projects must be located within the Port Kembla suburb as defined by the 2505 postcode boundary to be eligible.
Who can apply
Applicants must:
- be the confirmed land or asset owner, or have the owner’s written consent
- demonstrate ability for project management and delivery
- have adequate financial capacity to manage the cash flow requirements of the project
- have an ABN and be located in NSW
- be an Incorporated Association, Cooperative, Local Aboriginal Land Council, Wollongong City Council, NSW State Government agency or be a registered business, partnership or sole trader
- have or be willing to purchase public liability insurance of at least $20 million.
There is no requirement for community organisations to make a financial contribution to their project. Government related entities and private business applicants must have at least a 50 per cent financial co-contribution. Any project financial co-funding from a source other than the applicant must be confirmed in writing by the contributing organisation.
Who can’t apply
Individuals are not eligible to apply. Businesses reliant on local population-serving markets such as retailers, local trade and professional services, and accommodation providers are generally ineligible to apply for funding.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Funded projects must positively contribute to at least one of the desired outcomes. Collectively, funded projects will play a key role in revitalising Port Kembla for residents, workers and visitors.
What can’t you apply for
Funding can only be used for external third party costs directly associated with delivering project activities. These cost estimates should be supported by at least one competitive quote.
Eligible project costs include:
- feasibility and technical design consultancies that are required for capital works
- capital expenditure, construction, upgrade and repair works
- remediation, pollution control and clean up works
- adoption of new technology to reduce carbon emissions with a focus on heavy transport mobility
- project administration and contingency costs up to a combined total maximum of 20 per cent of the project cost.
Funding cannot be used for:
- expenditure incurred prior to the announcement of successful Round 5 projects
- activities already funded or budgeted through Wollongong City Council or another NSW Government agency
- costs already funded through another grant program including a previous round of the Port Kembla Community Investment Fund
- administrative overhead items, including office equipment
- DA fees
- costs in excess of the agreed allocations
- ongoing management and maintenance expenses
- organisational operating costs, such as wages, that are unrelated to the project
- activities outside the scope of the fund program, such as community services and events • business planning and concept studies.
Example projects
Since 2016, the fund has supported significant improvements to Port Kembla, some of which include:
- new equipment at the Allan Street playground, which is enjoyed by residents and visitors
- the Big Island remediation project, which restored native vegetation and rehabilitated the nesting habitat for little penguins, shearwaters and petrels
- the enhancement of King George V Oval with new grandstand seating, cricket nets and lighting
- the Wonderwalls street art project to attract visitors to the area.
Successful projects
Project name | Applicant | Grant amount (excludes GST) | Status |
Breakwater Battery Military Museum upgrade stage two project | Wollongong Heritage Collections Inc. | $133,812 | Approved |
Cleaver and Co food manufacturing upgrade project | Cleaver and Co Craft Butchery Pty Ltd | $16,301 | Approved |
Coregas hydrogen refuelling station project | Coregas Pty Ltd | $500,000 | Completed |
Darcy Wentworth Park Oval grandstand seating project | Port Kembla Junior Football Club Inc. | $16,245 | Completed |
Fishermans Beach access upgrade project | Wollongong City Council | $117,000 | Completed |
Inside Industry Visitors Centre upgrade stage two | Australia’s Industry World Ltd | $94,606 | Completed |
Kully Bay Oval lighting upgrade project | Port Kembla Australian Football Club Inc. | $22,500 | Approved |
Port Kembla Aboriginal Dot Art Mural Project | Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation | $25,000 | Approved |
Port Kembla Gateway rail infrastructure upgrade project | Port Kembla Gateway Pty Ltd | $100,000 | Did not proceed |
Port Kembla Marine Services Hub project | Avcon Projects Australasia Pty Ltd | $260,324 | Approved |
Port Kembla Surf Lifesaving Clubhouse upgrade stage two project | Port Kembla Surf Life Saving Club Inc. | $93,850 | Completed |
Port Kembla Pool amenities upgrade project | Wollongong City Council | $30,000 | Approved |
Tender Funerals expansion project | Our Community Project | $347,050 | Completed |
Wetherall Park lighting upgrade project | Port Kembla Soccer Club Inc. | $200,000 | Completed |
Wonderwalls Port Kembla 2021 project | Beyond Empathy Ltd | $155,250 | Completed |
Total | $2,111,938 |
Project name | Applicant | Grant amount (excludes GST) | Status |
Sustainable Port Kembla Stage 2 | All Sustainable Futures Inc | $700,000 | Completed |
Anglican Church Hall Upgrade - Stage 3 | Anglican Church of Australia Parish Council of Port Kembla | $148,397 | Completed |
Inside Industry Visitor Centre Kitchen Upgrade Project | Australia's Industry World | $113,385 | Completed |
Port Kembla Wetlands Rehabilitation Stage 2 | Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers | $47,667 | Withdrawn |
Port Kembla Community Campus Masterplan | Flagstaff Group | $84,785 | Completed |
Marine Rescue Tower Upgrade Project | Marine Rescue NSW | $164,080 | Completed |
Museum of Human Migration to the Illawarra Stage 1 Project | Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra Incorporated. | $49,350 | Completed |
Playground Upgrade Project | Port Kembla Baptist Church | $14,960 | Completed |
Planning and construction of retractable three lane cricket practice nets at King George Oval No 1 | Port Kembla Cricket Association Incorporated | $95,095 | Completed |
Port Kembla Gateway Environmental Project | Port Kembla Gateway Pty Ltd | $155,000 | Completed |
Port Kembla Public School Grounds Upgrade Project | Port Kembla Public School | $333,020 | Completed |
Grandstand Seating at King George Oval N.2 | Port Kembla Pumas Amateur Soccer Club | $63,095 | Completed |
Port Kembla Surf Club House Upgrade stage 2 | Port Kembla Surf Lifesaving Club Inc | $155,000 | Completed |
The Foundry Community Space Upgrade Project | Salvation Army | $88,925 | Completed |
Refurbishment of St Patrick's Parish Hall - Stage 2 | Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Wollongong | $150,298 | Completed |
Allan Street Car Park Upgrade | Wollongong City Council | $140,000 | Completed |
Grand Pacific Walk Observation Deck | Wollongong City Council | $400,000 | Completed |
Total | $2,903,057 |
Project name | Applicant | Grant amount (excludes GST) | Status |
Anglican Church Port Kembla Parish Hall Upgrade – Stage 2 project | Anglican Church of Australia Parish Council of Port Kembla | $91,600 | Completed |
Port Kembla Wetlands Rehabilitation Project – Stage 1 | Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers | $28,273 | Completed |
Refurbishment of St Patrick's Parish Hall Project | Catholic Parish of St Patrick's Port Kembla | $122,071 | Completed |
Port Kembla Surplus Industrial Land Activation Project | Department of Planning and Environment | $90,909 | Completed |
Report on heavy metal contaminants from industrial activity in Port Kembla – Environmental project | Environment Protection Authority | $40,000 | Completed |
Dalfram Dispute Memorial Project | Maritime Union of Australia | $98,182 | Completed |
Wonderwalls Port Kembla Project | Our Community Project Inc. | $99,529 | Completed |
Restoration and preservation of the Breakwater Battery Military Museum Project | Port Kembla Breakwater Battery Museum | $72,273 | Completed |
King George V Park Sporting Infrastructure Upgrades – Public Infrastructure Project | Port Kembla Cricket Association Incorporated | $66,615 | Completed |
King George V Park Oval #2 Lighting Project | Wollongong City Council | $292,272 | Completed |
Tourism Development Plan for Port Kembla Project | Wollongong City of Innovation Ltd (Destination Wollongong) | $29,091 | Completed |
Total | $1,030,815 |
Project name | Applicant | Grant amount (excludes GST) | Status |
Allan Street precinct activation – Stage 1 | Wollongong City Council | $120,910 | Completed |
Big Island Little Penguin, Shearwater and Petrel Habitat Remediation | NSW Office of Environment and Heritage | $107,888 | Completed |
Five Islands Secondary College school hall upgrade | Five Islands Secondary College | $182,690 | Completed |
Hill 60: MM Beach Car Park Upgrade | Wollongong City Council | $72,727 | Completed |
Hill 60 Gloucester Boulevarde Fitness Equipment | Wollongong City Council | $27,273 | Completed |
Hill 60 Wayfinding Signage | Wollongong City Council | $18,436 | Completed |
Hill 60 Tunnel Safety Access | Wollongong City Council | $108,000 | Completed |
King George V Precinct Activation – Stage 1 | Wollongong City Council | $133,182 | Completed |
Ngaraba-aan Cultural Trail – Stage 1 | lllawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council | $353,084 | Completed |
Port Kembla 2505 Revitalisation Plan | Wollongong City Council | $263,636 | Completed |
Port Kembla Surf Club House Upgrade – Stage 1 | Port Kembla Surf Lifesaving Club Inc. | $14,399 | Completed |
Anglican Church Port Kembla Parish Hall Upgrade – Stage 1 | Anglican Church of Australia Parish Council of Port Kembla | $10,825 | Completed |
Sustainable Port Kembla Upgrade Program – Stage 1 | The lllawarra Housing Trust | $284,437 | Completed |
Port Kembla Town Centre Facade Program | Wollongong City Council | $300,000 | Completed |
Total | $1,997,487 |
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
To be considered for funding, projects must:
- deliver community, economic or environmental outcomes within Port Kembla
- not displace or compete with existing local businesses or activities
- be located within the suburb of Port Kembla as defined by the 2505 postcode boundary
- seek funding of at least $10,000 and no more than $500,000 (GST exclusive)
- comply with state and local government planning rules and regulations, including zoning, permissible business uses, safety standards and environmental regulations
- have an approved Development Application (DA) and completed other regulatory approvals if applicable
- be fully completed within two years and commence within 12 months of a funding deed being signed
- support local content and jobs where possible.
Prepare your application with this checklist
Before you start your application, please read the guidelines (PDF 1.29MB).
Information session
An information session webinar will be held before applications open. It is strongly recommended that potential applicants attend the information session.
Initial assessment
The fund is a competitive, merit-based program. Potential applicants must register their interest in the fund by sending an e-mail to Regional.IllawarraShoalhaven@regional.nsw.gov.au This initial assessment process is mandatory and not all enquiries about the program will proceed to the application stage. The Department of Regional NSW can provide feedback to potential applicants about their proposed project.
Visit the website
Funding has been awarded to 57 projects in the previous rounds of the fund. Potential applicants are urged to review these successful projects for ideas and guidance. These projects are listed on this page.
Submitting your application
Applications must be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 via the SmartyGrants portal. Late applications will not be accepted, and incomplete applications will be deemed ineligible. Applications submitted by organisations that have not registered their interest in the fund and have not met with the Department of Regional NSW as part of the initial assessment process will be deemed ineligible.
Not all applications will be successful. Applicant organisations are encouraged to prioritise potential projects to maximise the competitiveness and quality of submitted materials.
Address the eligibility criteria
The fund is a competitive, merit-based funding program. Applications that meet the program’s eligibility requirements will be evaluated against the below assessment criteria. Projects recommended for funding will be made by the Port Kembla Community Investment Fund Evaluation Panel to the NSW Deputy Premier
Criteria 1: Project contributes to the revitalisation of Port Kembla
Applicants must clearly articulate how their proposed project will help to revitalise Port Kembla, including how the completed project will generate at least one of the following outcomes:
- enhanced activation and connectivity of public infrastructure, precincts and community spaces
- increased economic activity
- improved environmental air, land and waterway quality.
Applications should detail how the project’s intended outcomes, both tangible and intangible, will be measured.
Criteria 2: Project is ready, viable and can be delivered by the applicant organisation
Applicants must provide detailed project information in the Port Kembla Community Investment Fund Application Form via SmartyGrants.
This information demonstrates how the applicant will deliver the project and how the intended outcomes will be achieved.
The application form includes a timeline of milestones, project budget and how project risks will be managed.
Quotes must be provided as evidence to support major expenditure items.
Applicants are required to identify the roles and involvement of project partners if applicable.
The level of financial co-contribution and extent of project partnerships will also be considered as it demonstrates the level of commitment to a project by the applicant and other organisations.
Applicants must demonstrate their ability to deliver and maintain the project.
How the project outcomes will be measured and sustained after the project is completed are important factors.
The assessment of this criteria will consider:
- project delivery experience of both the applicant organisation and project delivery team, including adequate financial capacity to manage the project’s cash flow requirements
- previous grant management experience
- quality of the fund application and supporting documentation. Specifically, the degree to which these collectively give confidence that the project represents good value, will be delivered on time, on budget and to an agreed standard. The Department of Regional NSW may determine the appropriate level of project management required to minimise project non-completion risks
- ability of the applicant to commence the project within 12 months of the funding deed being executed and complete the project within two years
- appropriate development, planning, construction, zoning, environmental and/or native title approvals are in place
- applicants should refer to the Wollongong City Council website for any other miscellaneous approvals that may apply.
Address the assessment criteria
Key stages
The assessment process consists of the following five stages:
- initial assessment
- eligibility review
- project assessment
- recommendations
- final approval.
Initial assessment
The fund is a competitive, merit-based program. Potential applicants must register their interest in the fund by sending an e-mail to Regional.IllawarraShoalhaven@regional.nsw.gov.au This initial assessment process is mandatory and not all enquiries about the program will proceed to the application stage. The Department of Regional NSW can provide feedback to potential applicants about their proposed project up to the closing date. Department of Regional NSW (Regional Development Branch – Illawarra-Shoalhaven) staff are available to provide information and support for applicants.
Eligibility review
Once submitted, all applications are checked for eligibility and viability by the Department of Regional NSW. Applications that are incomplete, do not have the required approvals or are not submitted via the SmartyGrants portal are deemed ineligible and will not be assessed. Applicants may be asked to clarify information submitted.
Project assessment
The Department of Regional NSW undertakes a detailed review on each eligible application submitted based on the assessment criteria. This project assessment is based on the following information and advice:
- due diligence checks on key information submitted by applicants:
- Public Works assessment on project costs, timeframes and approvals
- community survey results for public infrastructure projects
- other external advice as required.
The evaluation panel meets to review and rank the applications based on the assessment criteria. Individual applications are scored against each criteria based on the following guide:
10 | Exceptional – full achievement or exceeds all of the requirements specified in the criteria. Demonstrated strengths, no errors, risks, weaknesses or omissions.
8-9 | Superior – sound achievement of the requirements specified in the criteria. Some minor errors, risks, weaknesses, or omissions that may be acceptable as offered.
6-7 | Good – reasonable achievement of the requirements specified in the criteria. Some errors, risks, weaknesses or omissions that can be corrected/ overcome with minimum effort.
5 | Adequate – minimal achievement of the requirements specified in the criteria. Some errors, risks, weaknesses or omissions, which are possible to correct/overcome and make acceptable.
1-4 | Poor to deficient – does not satisfy the minimum requirements specified in the criteria. Existence of numerous errors, risks, weaknesses or omissions, which are difficult to correct/overcome and make acceptable.
0 | Totally deficient and non-compliant
Start the application
Applications must be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 via the SmartyGrants portal.
Late applications will not be accepted, and incomplete applications will be deemed ineligible.
Applications submitted by organisations that have not registered their interest in the fund and have not met with the Department of Regional NSW as part of the initial assessment process will be deemed ineligible.
After the application is submitted
Based on the assessment criteria scores for each project, the evaluation panel makes recommendations on projects to be funded from the available funding pool. Part funding of project requests may be considered where appropriate.
Final approval
The Deputy Premier makes the final decision on projects to be funded under the Port Kembla Community Investment Fund based on evaluation panel recommendations.
Evaluation panel
The evaluation panel includes representatives from:
- Department of Regional NSW
- NSW Department of Planning and Environment
- Business Illawarra
- University of Wollongong
- Regional Development Australia – Illawarra
Illawarra Panel members must declare any perceived or actual potential conflicts of interest concerning individual projects or applicant organisations with the evaluation panel Chair. Secretariat support for the evaluation panel is provided by the Department of Regional NSW.
An external Probity Officer is appointed to provide probity advice to the Department of Regional NSW to ensure the Port Kembla Community Investment Fund is conducted in accordance with NSW Government procurement regulations. Specific advice is sought on the program guidelines and the Probity Advisor attends the evaluation panel assessment session. A probity report is provided at the conclusion of each funding round.
Confidentiality and disclosure
All information submitted by applicants may be provided to other organisations for the purposes of appraisal. The Department of Regional NSW will consult on applications with stakeholder groups, independent experts and other relevant external parties as required. Information about projects may be used for promotional materials prepared by the NSW Government and summary information about project applications will be posted on NSW Government websites unless the applicant objects. Applicants should identify any information submitted which they wish to be considered as confidential, supported by reasons for the request. Except as disclosed, the NSW Government will keep all information confidential and secure. Any request made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 for access to an application, including information marked ‘confidential’, will be determined in accordance with the Act.
Funding deeds
Successful applicants must not make financial commitments for funded activities until funding deeds have been signed.
- Requests for variations or changes to the project will only be considered in limited circumstances.
- Grants will be paid via milestone payments set out in the funding deed.
- Successful applicants will be required to pay back unspent funds or those funds which have not been spent in accordance with the funding deed.
- Successful applicants will be required to participate in a program evaluation to determine the extent to which their projects have contributed to the objectives of the fund. The evaluation will require applicants to provide evidence of how projects have resulted in a measurable change that is consistent with the objectives of the fund.
- Any information submitted by an applicant may be used for promotional material prepared by the NSW Government.
- All recipients of NSW Government funding should acknowledge this financial support as per the Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines for Recipients of NSW Government Grants.
Support and contact
Department of Regional NSW
P: 1300 679 673
E: regionalnsw.business@regional.nsw.gov.au
W: nsw.gov.au/pkcif
Program evaluation
The Port Kembla Community Investment Fund (PKCIF) and Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund (NPCCF) were established when the NSW government privatised the ports in both communities (2014 for Newcastle and 2016 for Port Kembla). The aim of both Funds is to revitalise the ports and their surrounding areas for the community and their visitors. Both Funds have invested in a diversity of projects and organisations. In total the PKCIF and NPCCF have collectively received 155 applications, funded 115 projects, and invested $19.7 million over the past decade.
The process evaluation was conducted on the latest rounds of each Fund, Round 5 and 8 of the PKCIF and NPCCF, respectively. It aimed to assess whether program activities and processes were performed effectively. The Outcomes and Economic evaluations were conducted on completed projects from PKCIF Round 1-5 and NPCC Rounds 1-8. They aimed to assess the impact of each Fund on their communities and to determine the net economic benefit of each program by comparing the total benefits to the total costs.
The process evaluation found that the latest rounds of NPCCF and PKCIF, round 8 and round 5 respectively, were appropriately designed, the application process thorough and funding deed requirements and reporting appropriate. The overriding conclusions of the Outcomes and Economic Evaluation is that both the PKCIF and the NPCCF have achieved positive outcomes for the Port Kembla and Newcastle Port communities. These outcomes have contributed to a net economic benefit for both communities and NSW more broadly, estimated at $43 million with a benefit cost ratio of 1.8. This demonstrates the positive return on investment that the NSW Government has achieved through the past rounds of the Funds.
Date of publication: April 2024