Wearing a mask or face covering whilst visiting a patient in a FWLHD facility is mandatory. This rule also applies to anyone attending a medical appointment in a FWLHD health service.
To help the health service in the management of its supply of mask for use by staff and patients, people are asked to bring their own when visiting.
'Wearing a mask whilst in a hospital is one of the important measures NSW Health has implemented to protect the most vulnerable in our communities, the patients and the health staff that care for them,' said Mr Umit Agis, Chief Executive, Far West LHD.
'Bringing your own mask or face covering will help us manage our own supplies, particularly for our clinical areas within the health services,' he said.
'We also appreciate the understanding and patience of visitors regarding our COVID-19 measures. We need the public to help us as we continue to protect everyone against COVID-19.'
Individual circumstances impacted by the arrangements may be considered on a case by case basis through requests to health service management.
NSW Health has also directed all health workers in public hospitals must now wear a surgical mask if they are working within 1.5m of patients. Patients admitted to hospital are also strongly encouraged to wear a mask, especially when they are leaving their room, where possible.
Mr Agis said wearing a mask or face covering is an important defence but certainly not a substitute for other precautions, such as good hand hygiene and physical distancing.
The public are also reminded visiting hours are 10am to 12noon and 5pm to 7pm each day at all LHD facilities. Visitors to Broken Hill Health Service are restricted to one visitor per patient per day.
The new hours do not impact on people with health appointments or attending the Emergency Department.
Mr Agis urged the public to avoid all non-essential visits to the hospital.
'Minimising as much as we can the non-essential foot traffic through our health services will help prevent COVID-19. Also reducing the number of visitors will help when contact tracing is required in the event of an outbreak.'
The COVID-19 arrangements will be in place indefinitely at this stage and are being constantly reviewed by Far West LHD Executive.