“The appointment of Dr Benjamin Holman to the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Centre for Red Meat and Sheep Development confirms our commitment to the industry,” said Ms Hodgkinson, who today visited the research and advisory station.
“Dr Holman joins a team led by DPI senior principal research scientist, Dr David Hopkins, which has developed an enviable reputation for working with the industry to maintain meat quality from paddock to plate.
“Cowra has long been recognised, nationally and internationally, as an important centre for red meat research and now the appointment of Dr Holman will add a new dimension of expertise to the team.
“Dr Holman’s doctoral studies into the use of natural dietary supplements to improve lamb productivity and health qualities for consumers will contribute to the development of informed on-farm management packages.”
With a strong focus on meat quality, Dr Holman will contribute to existing NSW DPI projects which aim to maintain meat quality through the meat supply chain to better satisfy consumer demand.
Current projects include the application of Raman spectroscopy for meat tenderness measurements, processing techniques to boost beef quality, the role of Alpaca meat in the market and studies to lift the health qualities of lamb meat.
Dr Holman will work with the red meat industry to develop new projects which aim to improve consumer experiences.
The work will examine how meat tastes and looks, its health and nutritional properties, how well it keeps, how tender the cut is and in the final analysis how well the end product fits consumer demand.
Born in Victoria, Dr Holman gained rural experience in the New Zealand and Victorian dairy industries, before completing a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and doctoral studies at the University of Tasmania.