An increase to planning penalty notices would apply to companies that breach development consents for high impact developments and allow communities in NSW to be confident that high impact developments are following strictly enforced rules.
The increase would allow NSW Planning and Environment to issue tough on-the-spot fines of $15,000, a $12,000 increase from the current maximum of $3,000.
Planning Minister Rob Stokes said impacts on the community such as noise, dust, traffic and waste management are real concerns.
Planning and Environment is also doublling the number of compliance officers who monitor state significant developments, including mines and factories.
New teams have been established in Wollongong and Queanbeyan. In the Hunter Valley compliance officer numbers have doubled and in Greater Sydney more compliance officers will ensure companies follow strict approval conditions.
Mr Stokes said compliance officers work with the community, industry and local councils to investigate potential breaches. “Information from community members is an important way we learn about issues to investigate.”