“These latest figures show that NSW residents are seeing the benefit of this State getting its mojo back with continued growth in the housing market,” Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, Brad Hazzard said.
“An increase in housing approvals is a double win for NSW – more housing means more housing choice for NSW residents and more jobs as the houses are built.”
The statistics released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics also show that in NSW there were 45,707 dwelling approvals in the 12 months to November 2013 – the highest level since 2004.
“The NSW Government committed to making NSW number one again and these figures are even more remarkable because overall national figures are actually falling,” Mr Hazzard said.
“While housing approvals nationally for the period from April 2011 to November 2013 have fallen 1 per cent against the five year average, the energy and impetus has seen approvals in NSW increase by 9 per cent.
“The continued increase in housing also reflects the property and construction industry’s confidence at the prospect of a new planning system.
“The NSW Government will continue to make changes that bring confidence to the housing industry and ensure that NSW gets the benefit of a new planning system that builds on the changes the Government has already made.
“The NSW Government was elected on a commitment to make NSW number one again – and today’s housing approval figures prove we are delivering,” Mr Hazzard said.