The CECs will help SNSWLHD to deliver on one of the six strategic priorities of the NSW Regional Health Strategic Plan for 2022-2032: keep communities informed, building engagement, seeking feedback.
SNSWLHD launched its Strengthening Community Engagement framework in January this year – developed with input from a broad range of community members and partner organisations.
The framework outlines how SNSWLHD will connect with communities at local, network and District levels.
SNSWLHD’s Coastal Network covers the south eastern coast from Batemans Bay to Eden. The Inland Network includes Goulburn, Queanbeyan, Yass, Cooma, Jindabyne, Braidwood, Crookwell, Delegate, Bombala and surrounding towns.
SNSWLHD Chief Executive, Margaret Bennett, encouraged community members from all walks of life to consider joining the Coastal or Inland CEC.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to shaping a quality health service that meets the needs of the community,” Ms Bennett said.
“Our new Coastal and Inland committees will drive community engagement priorities and activities that align with the way regional health care is delivered across networks, rather than as individual hospitals.
Ms Bennett said the new committees will build on the wonderful work of 10 existing local community engagement committees, located at Queanbeyan, Braidwood, Yass, Cooma, Jindabyne, Delegate, Crookwell, Bega, Eurobodalla and Goulburn.
“The Network committees will work closely with our current local community engagement committees, to ensure we are staying connected with local issues and concerns,” Ms Bennett said.
“The Network Community Engagement Committees will bring a wealth of new ideas and diverse perspectives to the way we plan and deliver services across Southern NSW Local Health District. We are looking forward to receiving lots of applications.”
How to apply: Apply via online application form:
Applications close: 30 April 2024