Percentage of workers who have their main job in this industry.
The number of people this industry employs in Australia.
This is the projected amount this industry will grow by in Australia over the next 5 years.
Source: Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), Employment Projections, May 2023.
Current and future employment in Australia
See how Australia's Administrative and Support Services industry is projected to grow by 10.4% over a 10-year period compared to an average Australian industry growth rate of 14.2%.
Largest employing occupations
This table shows the top-10 occupations in Administrative and Support Services by employment numbers.
Commercial Cleaner |
Domestic Cleaner |
Human Resource Professionals |
Gardeners |
General Clerk |
Garden and Nursery Labourers |
Tourism and Travel Advisers |
Conference and Event Organiser |
Packers |
Human Resource Manager |
Source: ABS Labour Force Survey, 2021
Featured industries

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
This industry covers activities like legal and accounting services, veterinary services and computer system design. These roles often support other industries.

Retail Trade
Across Australia this industry offers jobs in a variety of stores. Part-time and weekend work is common, which makes it ideal for people who are still studying.

Accommodation and Food Services
Nationwide this industry provides good entry-level jobs across Australia in hotels, motels, cafes, restaurants, take-away shops, bars and pubs.