Discover industries – Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

A small industry, consisting of many agricultural roles. Around half of all workers do not have post-school qualifications – many skills are learned on the job – however the number of workers with a university degree is growing.

A female farmer stands in a yard with a flock of sheep

About Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 

Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing is a small industry by employment numbers. Seasonal work is common and many workers live in regional Australia.

The industry includes:

  • growing and harvesting crops
  • raising animals
  • growing and harvesting timber
  • harvesting animals such as fish from farms or their natural habitats.

Around half of workers have post-school qualifications and the number of workers with a university degree has been growing. Many skills in the industry are learned on the job. 

This work is often completed outside and can be physically demanding. 

Source: Labour Market Insights, Jan 2024

Workforce share in Australia

Percentage of workers who have their main job in this industry.

Employed in Australia

The number of people this industry employs in Australia.

Industry growth in Australia

This is the projected amount this industry will grow in Australia over the next 5 years.

Source: Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), Employment Projections, May 2023.

Current and future employment in Australia

See how Australia's Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing industry is projected to grow by 11.4% over a 10-year period compared to an average Australian industry growth rate of 14.2%.

Largest employing occupations

This table shows the top 10 occupations in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing by employment numbers.

Livestock Farmers
Crop Farmers
Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer
Crop Farm Workers
Livestock Farm Workers
Agricultural, Forestry and Horticultural Plant Operators
Garden and Nursery Labourers
Deck and Fishing Hands

Source: ABS Labour Force Survey, 2021

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