Government agencies must comply with this Guide as mandated by the Premier’s Memorandum.
Download the Guide
The Grants Administration Guide (the Guide) has been issued in response to recommendations of the Review of Grants Administration in NSW.
The Guide provides:
- an overview of the grants administration process in NSW
- overarching principles for NSW Government grants
- mandatory requirements for administering NSW Government grants.

Template - Attestation - Recommending approval by grants decision-maker - Single grants (DOCX 51.35KB)File
Template - Attestation - Recommending decline by decision-maker - Single grants (DOCX 51.99KB)File
Template - Attestation Template - Grants decision-maker - Multiple grants (DOCX 52.61KB)File
Template - Brief to Decision-Maker - Grants (DOCX 84.38KB)File
Template - Checklist - Briefing the decision maker (DOCX 79.16KB)File
Template - Grant Guidelines (DOTX 363.21KB)File
Template - NSW Government Funding Agreement (long form) (DOCX 266.04KB)File
Template - NSW Government Funding Agreement (short form) (DOCX 162.92KB)File
Template - One-off, Ad hoc Grant Guidelines (DOCX 81.54KB)File
Template - Tables to address GSF Act requirements (DOCX 43.57KB)
Support and contact
If you’ve already read the Grants Administration Guide and still have questions, let us know.