From 2025, Years 7 to 12 at Randwick Boys and Girls High Schools, currently co-located on adjoining sites, will combine to form a co-educational high school in Randwick.
Also from 2025, the two single-sex campuses at Penshurst Girls and Hurstville Boys in the Georges River College will each become co-educational schools. The years 11 to 12 Oatley Senior campus is already a co-ed school.
The decision comes after comprehensive Department of Education consultation in the eastern suburbs and Georges River school communities.
The consultations found strong support for co-education, with a majority of parents and carers supporting the change. Support from future parents was particularly strong, with three quarters of parents of primary school students in both areas stating they would prefer to send their child to a co-educational school.
In recognition of the preferences of some students and families, the co-educational schools will also provide opportunities for single-sex-focused classes and activities.
Planning will now start to prepare the current Hurstville Boys and Penshurst Girls campuses for the transition to co-education from 2025.
At Randwick, $42 million will be invested at the current adjoining sites to make the new co-educational high school a modern, fit-for-purpose facility.
The interim name for the school will be Randwick High School. A consultation process with students, parents and staff will determine the final name for the co-educational high school.
The school communities will be supported through the transition.
Separately to these community consultations, the Minns Labor Government will be providing an update in Term 4 to other communities across NSW which currently don’t have a co-ed high school option.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car:
“The transition these schools to co-education reflects the preferences of the majority of parents in these local communities.
“The larger student populations will help increase the range of subjects and extracurricular opportunities for students.
“The investment in the sites will provide all students with the best possible learning environment.”