Grant finder with filters

The Grant finder displays a listing of all the grants your agency or fund have available. People can quickly see an overview of the key information about each grant and if applications are open.

On this page

Before you start

The Grant finder can only be added to landing pages and not standard pages.

You will need to have created a grant for your Grant finder to display a listing. See how to create a grant.

Using this feature won't affect searches for your grant on the main Grants and funding page.

Using the Grant finder with filters


  • Use the Grant finder with filters to feature all of your grants on a landing page.
  • Continue to monitor that grants are being displayed and that their status is correct – open or closed for applications. 


  • Use the Grant finder without adding a heading above it. You should give context to what people are seeing.
  • Add more than 1 Grant finder to a page. 

How to add the Grant finder with filters to your landing page

Go to:

  1. The Layout screen and click Add block.
  2. Use the search field to search for 'Grant finder - prefiltered', then click on the result. The Configure block screen will open. 
  3. In the Title field you can leave the default text, as this won't be publicly visible. 
  4. To filter the results by agency, select from the Agency dropdown options. 
  5. To filter the results by the fund type, select from the Fund dropdown options. 
  6. Click Update.

How this component displays

Live examples

You can see live examples of how agencies have applied the component to their content.

Example of the component with fund filter applied

This example shows the component with the fund filter applied as 'Arts and Cultural Funding Program', and no agency applied. 

Example of the component with agency filter applied

This example shows the component with the agency filter applied as 'Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade', and no fund filter applied. 

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