For patients
Learn about the public health facilities, services and support available to you as a patient in Far West NSW.
In an emergency you should always call 000 or go straight to your nearest Emergency Department.
Otherwise, if you are feeling unwell or not sure if you need to see a doctor, HealthDirect Australia offers a handy symptom checker and approved health advice.
You can also call the HealthDirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (24 hours) to talk to a registered nurse.
HealthDirect can tell you:
- when and how you can safely take care of yourself at home, or until you can visit your doctor
- what to keep watch for, when to call 000 or go to the Emergency Department.
Far West LHD has almost 800 staff providing a range of health services across 11 facilities. Our hospitals and community health facilities serve communities in regional centres as well as remote locations.
Find out more about our services and facilities.
You can also search health services and facilities Australia-wide using the HealthDirect service finder.
Far West LHD takes the protection of health privacy and personal information seriously.
See our privacy page to find out more about how we collect, protect and use patient health information and about your rights to access and change the information we hold.
You may be able to access free or low-cost transport and subsidised taxi fares to help you get to and from health services.
Find out more about the NSW Community Transport Program (CTP) and the Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme.
The NSW Health Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) offers financial assistance to patients and carers travelling more than 200km (one way). Visit the IPTAAS or ask your doctor or hospital social workers to help you apply.
For more transport information, visit Transport for NSW or call 131 500.
See the NSW Health website for general information about going to hospital or going home from hospital.
You can also find out more about the relevant Far West LHD facility or contact them directly for local information or if you have any questions.
The Bureau of Health Information (BHI) publishes regular independent reports about how NSW public hospital and ambulance services are performing. Visit BHI to see how Far West LHD is performing.
Read about the experiences of our patients, told through patient surveys at BHI.
If you would like to give feedback about your experience with any of our staff or services, please contact us:
If you have a concern about our service or staff we encourage you to raise any concerns with a staff member or manager during your care where possible. Find out more about Feedback and complaints.
For carers
If you are a carer, you may sometimes feel alone and struggle to make sure your own needs are also being met. Find out where you can turn for support.
Far West LHD Family and Carer Support Services
Far West LHD Family and Carer Support Services provides:
information, resources and advice for families and carers
referrals to other services, including respite and services for young carers
carer wellbeing programs focussing on social and emotional support
opportunities to meet other carers, including monthly morning teas
help accessing and navigating health services
ways to be included in treatment and planning.
For carer support for someone looking after a person experiencing mental illness, call (08) 8080 1525.
For carer support for someone looking after a person who is aged or living with a disability, contact (08) 8080 1508 or visit the Broken Hill Community Health Centre for more information.
Carers NSW is a non-government organisation that offers information, resources, emotional support and counselling programs.
Further information is available on the Carers NSW website or by phoning (02) 9280 4744 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).
Their Carer Life Course can help ease common feelings of isolation and fear by sharing what other carers have gone through.
The Carer Gateway provides online and phone information and support for carers across Australia.
For Carer Gateway services including carer support planning, counselling, peer support, carer directed support packages and respite services, including emergency respite call 1800 422 737 (Monday to Friday), email or visit
To find out about payments and allowances available for NSW carers, visit Services Australia - Caring for someone and see the Carers NSW financial assistance page.
Carers in NSW may also be eligible for free or low-cost transport, including subsidised taxi fares. See Transport and Travel on the Carers Gateway website for more information.