Disaster Risk Reduction Fund - Local and Regional Risk Reduction Stream
NSW Reconstruction Authority is administering funds to local and regional projects that deliver place-based risk reduction and risk mitigation solutions to improve disaster resilience in NSW communities.
Funding stream objective
Under two funding pathways, Pathway 1 and Pathway 2, the Local & Regional Risk Reduction stream aims to deliver direct risk reduction and risk mitigation solutions, build capabilities in disaster risk reduction, and promote collaboration between local communities, councils and other stakeholders.
Pathway 1 provides funding of $50,000 to $300,000, for projects run by a single entity with a focus on implementing smaller scale, place-based solutions to prevent new, reduce existing and manage residual disaster risk.
Pathway 2 provides funding of $300,000 to $1.5 million, for projects delivered by a consortium of organisations or partnerships with a focus on strategic initiatives that create long-term regional benefit and build risk reduction capability building efforts across communities or regions.
Funding awarded
Nearly $30 million has been awarded to 66 projects aiming to reduce disaster risk at the local and regional level across NSW.
The recipients include community organisations, Local Councils, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, Joint Organisations and not-for-profits.
Funded projects will target common hazards such as floods, fire, heatwaves and storms. The types of initiatives include capability building, community engagement, strategies and studies, small scale infrastructure initiatives, and other place-based approaches to disaster risk reduction.
ALL Sustainable Futures Inc.
Project: Enhanced Resilience in the Pappinbarra Valley
Description: Delivering of a series of complimentary resilience actions including flood mitigation works to reduce erosion and minimise flooding, riverbank revegetation and education activities and materials.
Association of Bell Clarence Dargan Inc.
Project: A community-led bushfire risk reduction program for the Western Blue Mountains
Description: Delivery of bushfire risk assessments and locally tailored training along with a community-led 5-year Resilience Action Plan.
Australian Red Cross
Project: Connected Communities
Description: Working alongside Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities and Neighbourhood Centres to co-design and deliver resources aimed at strengthening CALD community’s resilience, preparedness for increasing disasters and capacity to reduce disaster risks.
Ballina Shire Council
Project: Investigation into the Reconstruction of the Sand Levee at Seven Mile Beach, Lennox Head
Description: Investigating the reconstruction of the pre-existing sand levee at the southern end of Seven Mile beach, to reduce the risk of coastal hazards to public and private infrastructure and to social, economic and community values.
Bayside Council
Project: AI Flood Detection & Smart Warning Signs
Description: Using CCTV and Artificial Intelligence to detect floodwater on roads and activate LED warning signs to provide both proactive and reactive mechanisms to enhance road safety during flood events.
Bega Local Aboriginal Land Council
Project: Bega LALC Coastal Cultural Burning and Fire Trail Upgrade and Control Program
Description: Implementing a cultural burning and fire trail remediation and upgrade program using contemporary Indigenous knowledge to complement bushfire management practices on Bega LALC land.
Bellingen Shire Council
Project: Bellingen Shire Council Stormwater Asset Identification and Assessment
Description:Delivering an asset identification and condition assessment of stormwater assets across the Shire to inform asset management planning and to identify and prioritise future works to prevent and reduce flood risk.
Byron Shire Council
Project: Automated Flood Road Closure Signage
Description: Expanding Council’s flood gauge and warning systems via design and installation of automatically triggered flashing road flooded illuminated signs.
Campbelltown City Council
Project: Doing it their way – Resilient Communities
Description: Funding of a Community Resilience Officer to work with community leaders to understand resilience from local cultural knowledge and wisdom, provide a platform to share ideas, experiences and community-led solutions to shocks and stresses, and promote collaboration.
Carrathool Shire Council
Project: Boorga Road Flood Mitigation Project
Description:Mitigating the damage caused by flash flooding events in the catchment area west of McPherson ranges, which experiences repeated infrastructure damage and costly repairs.
Central Coast Council
Project: Central Coast Council bushfire risk analysis and 5 year Risk Mitigation Program Plan
Description: Delivering a local scale risk management plan and prioritised 5 year implementation plan for its bushfire prone assets, to help protect the community.
Central Darling Shire Council
Project: Sunset Strip Stormwater Mitigation
Description: Delivering comprehensive survey planning and design work in the Sunset Strip community to allow the Shire to complete important and necessary storm water mitigation works impacted by flooding.
Cessnock City Council
Project: Cessnock City Council Resilience and Risk Reduction Project
Description: Funding of a Community Resilience Officer role to undertake projects and initiatives associated with community disaster risk reduction.
City of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc.
Project: Helping Greater Sydney Build Business Continuity Plans for Greater Disaster Preparedness
Description: Building capacity of local businesses to develop their own Business Continuity Plans to increase disaster preparedness.
Clarence Valley Council
Project: Real time (remote access) Flood Pump monitoring
Description: Flood pump stations will be fitted with telemetry and integrated into the existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) network to enable real time remote monitoring of pumps, water levels, faults and alarms.
Coffs Harbour City Council
Project: Reducing Flood Risk by increasing flood warning capability across the Coffs Harbour LGA
Description: Installing multiple flood level and rainfall gauges to enhance the flood warning system by providing data to alert Council, emergency services and the community.
Dubbo Regional Council
Project: Bell Riverbank Stabilisation
Description: Providing stabilisation of the banks of Bell River at Wellington to protect community assets and infrastructure at Pioneer Park.
Eden Community Access Centre Inc.
Project: Reducing the Risk: Youth-centred Disaster Risk Reduction
Description: A Youth Coordinator will lead design, delivery and evaluation of targeted initiatives that support young people to identify, manage and reduce disaster risk to themselves and their community.
Eurobodalla Shire Council
Project: Eurobodalla Flood and Bushfire Risk Management Plans
Description: Funding of a Resilience and Risk Reduction Officer to build community resilience and preparedness, through development of a Flood Management Plan for Moruya and a Strategic Bushfire Assessment for Dalmeny.
Glen Innes Local Aboriginal Land Council
Project: Wii Ngurrambaa (Fire Country): Increasing Bushfire Resilience on Ngarabal Country
Description: Increasing bushfire resilience across the region by training Aboriginal community members in forest firefighting, providing equipment for fire prevention and response, and utilising cultural burning practices to protect Country.
Hornsby Shire Council
Project: Building Bushfire Resilient Communities Education Program: Exploring bushfire problems, connecting people, place and solutions
Description: A targeted education, communication, and engagement program, designed to build decision making capacity and resilience of local residents regarding bushfire risk.
Kempsey Shire Council
Project: Stuarts Point and Surrounds Groundwater Study, Stormwater Study, Risk Management Study and Plan and Implementation
Description:Delivery of a Groundwater Study, Stormwater Study, Risk Management Study and Plan and implementing a small-scale infrastructure solution to mitigate existing, future and manage residual risk the Stuarts Point and surrounds.
Kyogle Council
Project: High Resolution Aerial Imagery Capture of Kyogle Local Government Area
Description:Capturing the LGA with high definition imagery to provide current visual spatial analysis to support planning and preparedness capabilities across Council.
Lachlan Shire Council
Project: Emergency Signage
Description: Delivering transportable Variable Message Signs that can be utilised prior to and during emergency events to communicate vital information to the community.
Lithgow City Council
Project: Reducing Risks for a more Resilient Lithgow: Investing in inclusive disaster planning and preparedness
Description: Funding of a Community Resilience Officer to work with partners and communities to manage risk and uncertainty, build capacity and preparedness for disasters and promote and enable disaster risk reduction decision making through policies, plans and projects.
Mid-Western Regional Council
Project: Resilience and Risk Reduction Officer
Description: Funding of a dedicated Resilience and Risk Reduction Officer to assist with the planning and preparation for future disaster events as well as recovery of the earlier affected communities.
Narrandera Shire Council
Project: Narrandera Urban Stormwater Upgrade
Description: Delivering detailed design and specification of the Narrandera CBD Flood Mitigation Scheme Upgrades.
Newcastle City Council
Project: Making the City of Newcastle more resilient to Natural Disasters
Description: Funding of a Resilience and Risk Reduction Officer, to increase council capabilities by better identifying natural hazard risks and vulnerabilities and supporting the community in managing disasters.
Northern Beaches Council
Project: Northern Beaches Disaster Risk Reduction
Description: Funding of a Resilience Officer to oversee the development of a public facing Disaster Dashboard, make improvements to Council's flood warning system, and investigate impact of scour valves at Manly Dam on flooding downstream.
Northern Rivers Community Gateway
Project: Managing Spontaneous Volunteers
Description: Implementing an evidence-based framework to manage spontaneous volunteers. This framework will be delivered as a place-based service pilot project.
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Project: Culvert Condition, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
Description: Developing a mobile inspection tool for culvert condition, risk and vulnerability assessment, building Council capacity around operations and maintenance of assets across the LGA.
Rural Financial Counselling Service, NSW - Southern Region Ltd
Project: Southern Region Contextualised Risk Management Workshops
Description: Providing contextualised workshops in Southern NSW with individualised support to assist primary producers and small businesses to identify, assess and mitigate risks to become more resilient to potential disasters.
Shoalhaven City Council
Project: Shoalhaven LGA Floor Level Survey for Flood Preparedness and Prevention
Description: Delivering a floor level survey of properties on flood prone land within Shoalhaven, to identify, plan and prepare for suitable measures to be implemented to prevent and reduce flood risk.
Singleton Council
Project: Reducing Disaster Vulnerability to Create Community in Singleton LGA
Description: Delivering timely and consistent community-building messaging from trusted authorities about disaster risk reduction to community members and visitors using smart infrastructure.
Snowy Monaro Regional Council
Project: Snowy Monaro Resilience and Risk Reduction Engagement Program
Description: Funding of a Community Resilience Officer to deliver a coordinated program of initiatives to support communities to identify natural disaster risks, collaborate to develop placed-based solutions for mitigating impacts and build the capacity for ongoing community-led action.
Temora Shire Council
Project: Temora Golden Gate Reserve Stormwater Master Plan
Description: Design of a stormwater master plan for Golden Gate Reserve to reduce and manage the risk of urban stormwater on the residents of Temora.
Toomelah Local Aboriginal Land Council
Project: Community Safety
Description: Building a community safety plan for preparing, responding and recovering from a disaster. This will include cultural burning workshops and river gum plantings to support river stabilisation.
Tweed Shire Council
Project: Murwillumbah CBD Levee and Drainage Study Review and Pump Station Investigation
Description: The modelling and design of a larger capacity flood pump station on Lavender Creek, to prevent flood inundation of homes and businesses in Murwillumbah CBD during flood events.
Wagga Wagga City Council
Project: Levee Floodgate Pump Augmentation
Description: Analysis of floodgate catchments and determining the use of permanent pumps to reduce the risk of flooding to residents and commercial businesses.
Walcha Council
Project: Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator
Description: Funding a Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator to identify opportunities to actively reduce disaster risks and hazards specific to the LGA, and assist community and business to mitigate against these risks.
Walgett Shire Council
Project: Flood Mitigation Works at Rowena Village
Description: Delivery of the construction and extension of levees, roadworks and drainage structures to mitigate the impact of flooding in the village of Rowena.
Warren Shire Council
Project: Dragon Cowal Creek Culverts, Merrigal Road
Description: Delivery of the installation of a ventilated floodway across the Dragon Cowal Creek along Merrigal Road.
Warrumbungle Shire Council
Project: Warrumbungle Shire Disaster Resilience Community Strategic Plan
Description: Developing a Disaster Resilience Community Strategic Plan that will identify infrastructure deficiencies and treatments, education and awareness gaps and key delivery agencies or community groups.
Wollongong City Council
Project: Review and Update of Wollongong City Council Bushfire Asset Protection Zones
Description: Delivering a technical review and updated mapping of Council's Bushfire Asset Protection Zones to reflect updated requirements and align with new strategic plans.
Yass Valley Council
Project: Browne Street Yass Storm Water Augmentation and Flood Prevention
Description: Upgrade of culverts under Browne Street to amend road levels to ensure low point of road is above the road culverts and cater for storm events.
Yerin Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health Service
Project: Enhancing Flood Mitigation Strategies
Description: Delivering flood mitigation strategies to the community hub facility at Mardi, which is located on the Wyong River and is prone to regular flooding events.
ANU Enterprise Pty Ltd
Project: Bushfire risk-reduction through cultural burning in travelling stock routes
Description: Using a large cultural burning program to reduce bushfire-risk in travelling stock routes and benefit communities in rural NSW through a diverse collaboration between Local Land Services, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, and the Australian National University.
Australian Business Volunteers
Project: Capable Communities – Building community-led disaster risk reduction and resilience through cross-sector and cross-regional collaboration and expertise
Description: Supporting community-led risk reduction initiatives in South East NSW by delivering specialist workshops to develop risk reduction plans using recognised research and industry knowledge, and building community capacity through volunteerism.
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations Ltd
Project: Fire Proofing Vulnerable Communities – A disability inclusive initiative reducing fire risk and saving lives
Description: A state-wide risk reduction education and training initiative aimed at engaging firefighters and vulnerable communities of people with disabilities to decrease fire injuries and fatalities.
Bega Valley Shire Council
Project: Embedding the Enabling Resilience Investment Approach in Bega Valley to Support Regional Scaling
Description: The Enabling Resilience Investment (ERI) approach is embedded in Bega Valley Shire Council’s decision making process through identifying options for resilience across LGAs and developing disaster risk reduction investment cases to generate fundable opportunities for communities, business and South-East NSW, focusing on jobs, social cohesion, productivity, and value creation.
Blue Mountains City Council
Project: Blue Mountains and Lithgow Bioregional Collaboration for Planetary Health
Description: Pioneering systemic change through community water management Initiatives to reduce risk; neighbourhood communication platforms to increase communication channels; and co-designed place-based accelerated research and learning for disaster risk reduction.
Canberra Region Joint Organisation
Project: Learn Share Embed – Looking back, moving forward through working together to support development of regional and local resilience strategies building more resilient communities through a systemic state-wide approach
Description: Embedding the South East NSW Resilience Blueprint regional report, growing capability and capacity at a local, regional level, and working with JOs to build more risk resilient communities in regional NSW.
Central Coast Council
Project: Central Coast – Investing in and Enabling Resilient Communities
Description: Partnering with Minderoo Foundation to invest in resilience in vulnerable communities across the Central Coast to formulate a local Resilience Action Plan targeting preparedness ahead of natural disasters.
Central NSW Joint Organisation
Project: Building knowledge and improving practice in disaster risk reduction in Central NSW – a systemic approach
Description: Leveraging the work JOs have already undertaken, this project builds capacity, shares information and develops leading practice. This will include a more systematic collaboration with key state agencies and embedment in IP&R.
Hunter Joint Organisation
Project: Reducing regional disaster risk through early action: Place-based collaboration in the Hunter and the Central Coast
Description: Facilitating place-based regional collaboration across four sub-projects to empower councils and communities in the Hunter and Central Coast region to reduce their regional disaster risk through early action.
Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation
Project: Building a stronger, more resilient and engaged Illawarra Shoalhaven region through a strategic approach to disaster risk reduction
Description: Systemically improving practice through creating plans, resources and technologies that integrate with and help embed in local delivery, high level state and regional resilience strategies being developed by NSW Government.
Lake Macquarie City Council
Project: Engage and build capacity of Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) to undertake traditional cultural burning around Lake Macquarie
Description: Partnering and engaging with Awabakal, Bahtabah and Biraban LALCs to undertake cultural burning in the Lake Macquarie LGA to reduce the risk of bush fire to local communities and provide opportunities for traditional land management
Mid North Coast Joint Organisation
Project: Mid North Coast Resilience Blueprint - Collaborating to build capacity and share knowledge to improve disaster risk reduction
Description: Building capacity, sharing resources and developing leading practice in Disaster Risk Reduction across 8 JOs and some neighbouring councils. This will include a systematic collaboration with key State agencies and embedment in IP&R.
Miyay Birray Youth Service Inc.
Project: Safer Prepared Aboriginal Communities
Description: Establishing community-based education, culturally relevant disaster preparedness and early response networks in three North West NSW Aboriginal communities.
Northern Rivers Joint Organisation
Project: Building knowledge and improving practice in disaster risk reduction in Northern Rivers – a systemic approach
Description: Building capacity, sharing resources and developing leading practice in Disaster Risk Reduction across JOs in regional NSW. This will include regional specific outcomes and more systematic collaboration with key State agencies and embedment in IP&R.
NSW Council of Social Service
Project: Community Sector Disaster Capability & Resilience Program
Description: Strengthening the connection between the local community, local community organisations and emergency management systems in identified locations to take action to reduce local disaster risks.
Resilient Sydney
Project: Second Resilient Sydney Strategy 2024-2029
Description: Bringing together all 33 local governments of Greater Sydney and partners to renew and implement a coordinated regional resilience plan to improve the disaster resilience of all the communities and economies of Sydney.
Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation
Project: Building knowledge and improving practice in disaster risk reduction in the Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation footprint– a systemic approach.
Description: Building capacity, sharing resources and developing leading practice in Disaster Risk Reduction across JOs in Regional NSW. This will include regional specific outcomes and more systematic collaboration with key State agencies and embedment in IP&R.
Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils
Project: Building Knowledge and Improving Practice in Disaster Risk Reduction in the Eastern Riverina
Description: Aims to identify gaps and needs, build resources and capacity and embed disaster preparedness in REROC Member Councils and the communities they represent.
Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
Project: Sydney Waste Management Continuity Risk Reduction and Resilience Plan
Description: Improving resilience of systems for managing Sydney’s household waste through technical analysis, asset inventory, legal support and developing collaborative cross-sector contingency plans.
Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils
Project: Greater Sydney Heat Taskforce
Description: Establishment of a multi-agency taskforce to improve heat risk governance, establish clear guidance on heat resilient urban design, develop heat risk assessment methodology, template policies and guidance for local government.
Enquiries and contact
For further information, email drrf@resilience.nsw.gov.au
When you submit an application to NSW Reconstruction Authority for funding under the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund, or provide any additional information related to your application, we collect information from this activity. This information may include personal and organisational details such as your full name, phone number, business name and ACN details, email and street address.
NSW Reconstruction Authority is collecting your personal information to:
- provide you with further information about the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund,
- assess your eligibility to apply for a grant under the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund,
- process and determine your application,
- deliver and administer the grant funding, if you are successful, and
- other directly related purposes.
If you do not provide the information requested in the application, or information requested separately by NSW Reconstruction Authority in relation to your application, NSW Reconstruction Authority may be unable to consider or determine your application.
NSW Reconstruction Authority may use and disclose your personal information to:
- verify the information you provide in support of your application with a public or private authority,
- assess your eligibility for other state and commonwealth government financial support programs,
- partner organisations and other government agencies that may assist in ensuring the grant funding achieves its objectives,
- internal and administrative purposes within Resilience NSW,
- other purposes related to the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund.
If NSW Reconstruction Authority engages other people to collect, store or use personal information, we will ensure that they comply with the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998 (NSW).
NSW Reconstruction Authority will not provide your personal information to a third party for any purpose not already stated in this privacy notice without your consent, unless Resilience NSW is required or authorised to do so (for example, NSW Reconstruction Authority may disclose your information for law enforcement purposes or to statutory or regulatory bodies as required by law).
NSW Reconstruction Authority will take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from loss, unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure, or other misuse.
You may ask for access to the information we hold about you at any time and request to update, correct or amend your personal information by contacting Resilience NSW at drrf@resilience.nsw.gov.au.
The Local & Regional Risk Reduction Program Guidelines and FAQs were amended to reflect the following changes:
- Revised closing date.
- The Pathway 1 funding envelope has been revised to $10 million, and the Pathway 2 funding envelope has been revised to $20 million. The total funding envelope remains unchanged.
- Clarification of eligible organisations to include: Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) in Pathway 1 and in consortia in Pathway 2; and County Councils in Pathway 2.
- Clarification of project costs for temporary resilience officers ‘up to’ 18 months, to align with eligible project activities.
- Revised eligibility of projects.
- Revised circumstances that will be considered under Assessment Process to include First Nations and vulnerable groups.
- Clarification on GST under Important terms and conditions.
- FAQs have been updated to incorporate responses to questions asked at the online workshop held on 23 May.