About the project
Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 will connect local communities in the Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula, and bring the vision of a ‘30-minute city’ closer to reality.
Stage 2 will have:
- 14 stops over a new 10km two-way track
- travel times of around 31 minutes from Camellia to the Carter Street Precinct via Sydney Olympic Park, and a further 7 minutes to the Parramatta CBD
- high frequency services on weekdays between 7am to 7pm, and around every 10-15 minutes outside those times, on weekends and public holidays.
Stage 2 will also connect to the:
- Sydney Metro West (under construction) and heavy rail in Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park
- ferry services at Rydalmere and Sydney Olympic Park.
What's happening?
Construction of Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 will be delivered in phases, starting with the Enabling Works – the first 1.3km of new light rail alignment, including a 320m bridge over the Parramatta River between Wentworth Point and Melrose Park.
The $322 million Enabling Works contract was awarded to John Holland Pty Ltd following a competitive tender process with interest from 19 leading organisations across Australia and around the world to deliver the first part of the project.
It marks the first major bridge crossing the Parramatta River since the Ryde Bridge was completed nearly 40 years ago. This work will also see upgrades to surrounding public spaces including Archer Park.
Design and early works will begin this year, before major bridge construction starts in 2025.
Construction of the bridge is expected to generate 1,000 jobs, with 80% of those based in Western Sydney.
For news and updates, visit the Parramatta Light Rail news library.
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail went on public exhibition from 9 November to 16 December 2022.
The EIS outlined the:
- design of the project
- environmental and social impacts that could arise during the construction and operation of light rail
- appropriate mitigation measures.
The public exhibition of the EIS allowed residents, stakeholders and businesses the opportunity to learn more and help shape this important transport project.
The EIS:
- received more than 125 submissions
- engaged with more than 850 people
- had over 2500 people visiting its virtual engagement room.
The Response to Submissions, which addresses all comments received during the EIS exhibition period is available to view on the NSW Planning Portal.
Public feedback received during the EIS exhibition period informed key project amendments to improve social and environmental outcomes and reduce impacts where possible. These amendments involved:
- the Camellia foreshore to Rydalmere alignment and bridge amendment
- the bridge and route alignment between Melrose Park and Wentworth Point
- replacing the existing bridge at Hill Road.
Transport for NSW consulted with the community and local residents during August and September 2023 on the project amendments, engaging with more than 600 people.
Feedback from 30 respondents during this consultation period was used to inform the development of the project’s Amendment Report. Read it on the NSW Planning Portal.
Features and benefits
- 14 fully accessible stops over a 10km two-way track.
- Connections to Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1, Sydney Metro West (under construction) and heavy rail in Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park; and ferry services at Rydalmere and Sydney Olympic Park.
- A total of 9.5km of integrated active transport (including 8.5km of new shared paths) to support healthy, liveable and connected communities.
- A shared light rail and pedestrian zone along Dawn Fraser Avenue in Sydney Olympic Park between Australia Avenue and Olympic Boulevard.
- New public and active transport bridges, including connections over the Parramatta River from Camellia to Rydalmere and Melrose Park to Wentworth Point.
- Services between 7am and 7pm on weekdays.
- Travel times of around 31 minutes from Camellia to the Carter Street Precinct via Sydney Olympic Park, and a further 7 minutes to the Parramatta CBD.
Project status
Stakeholder engagement
Since Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail was announced in October 2017, there has been ongoing engagement with NSW Government agencies and major stakeholders across the Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula region. This is to ensure there is a ‘whole-of-government’ approach.
From March 2018, a number of stakeholder workshops have been held to map out a shared vision for the project. This included representatives from:
- City of Parramatta Council
- NSW Land and Housing Corporation
- Greater Sydney Commission
- Transport for NSW.
The team is engaging with the Sydney Olympic Park Authority and the Royal Agricultural Society to support the redevelopment and revitalisation of the Sydney Olympic Park precinct.
The project team is committed to providing comprehensive and appropriate communication and engagement with the community and key stakeholders throughout the project’s design and construction phases.
Community consultation
Community consultation on the second stage of the Parramatta Light Rail has been ongoing. So far, 56 information sessions have been held along the alignment, attended by more than 4,319 people.
The team also actively engaged with the community at other project information sessions, such as those held by the Sydney Metro West project team.
In July 2018, the NSW Government announced an alternate route along Waratah Street in Melrose Park would be investigated due to feedback received from local residents.
From May to June 2022, Transport for NSW:
- engaged with the community on the preferred Stage 2 route
- proposed stop locations from Camellia to Sydney Olympic Park through the launch of a Virtual Engagement Room and ‘have your say’ community survey.
The Parramatta Light Rail team:
- held various pop-up information stalls along the proposed route during the engagement period
- promoted the survey through emails, letterbox flyers, social media and face-to-face engagements.
During the public exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement, the team engaged with more than 850 people. A further 2500 people visited the virtual engagement room.
In August and September 2023, Transport for NSW engaged with more than 600 people on the project amendments.
Stage 2 route

A static map that displays stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail. The route starts on the left-hand side of the map at the Parramatta Square light rail stop, located below the ferry stop, and above the train station, bus stop and a metro station that’s under construction.
It heads east where it stops at Robin Thomas and Tramway Avenue, then continues east through Camellia where it stops at Sandown Boulevard and where the Stabling and Maintenance Facility is located. It then continues north-east to Rydalmere where it stops at John Street near a Ferry stop, then continues south-east and stops at Nowill Street and River Road.
From there it goes north-east into Melrose Park stopping at Murdoch Street, Atkins Road and the Melrose Park stops. It then heads down south-east, stopping at Waratah Street, then crossing over Parramatta River Into Wentworth Point stopping at Footbridge Boulevard below a ferry stop.
The route continues south-west stopping at Hill Road and Holker Street, before heading south-east into Sydney Olympic Park where it stops at Jacaranda Square and Olympic Boulevard, just above train and bus stops as well as a metro stop that is under construction. This route then concludes at the last stop at Carter Street.

Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2
Frequently asked questions
Where will Stage 2 go?
Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 will connect Stage 1 and the Parramatta CBD to Sydney Olympic Park via Camellia, Ermington, Melrose Park and Wentworth Point.
It will link communities north and south of the Parramatta River directly to the:
- Parramatta CBD
- Camellia Town Centre
- sport, entertainment, education and employment hub at Sydney Olympic Park
- Carter Street precinct.
What else is along the alignment?
Major attractions along the alignment include:
- Accor Stadium
- Qudos Bank Arena
- Rosehill Gardens Racecourse
- events at Sydney Olympic Park
- annual Sydney Royal Easter Show
- Sydney Showground
What are the features of the project?
- 10km of new light rail track, extending Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1 to Sydney Olympic Park.
- 14 fully accessible stops integrated into the urban environment.
- High frequency services seven days a week from 5am to 1am.
- Services between 7am and 7pm on weekdays.
- Travel times of around 31 minutes from Carter Street precinct to Camellia via Sydney Olympic Park, and a further 7 minutes to the Parramatta CBD.
- Connects to three transport interchanges on the Stage 1 alignment, the future Sydney Metro West and heavy rail in Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park.
- A total of 9.5km of integrated active transport (including 8.5km of new shared paths) to support healthy, liveable and connected communities.
- A shared light rail and pedestrian zone along Dawn Fraser Avenue in Sydney Olympic Park between Australia Avenue and Olympic Boulevard.
- New light rail and active transport bridges, including vital connections over the Parramatta River from Camellia to Rydalmere and Melrose Park to Wentworth Point.
When will construction start and how much will the project cost?
Design and early works for the public and active transport bridge across the Parramatta River between Wentworth Point and Melrose Park are expected to commence in 2024, with major construction to start in 2025.
The NSW Government has committed $602.4 million to commence the delivery of the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 enabling works. The cost of the project will be confirmed once contract(s) are signed to:
- design
- build
- operate
- and maintain the light rail network.
An additional $200 million was allocated in the 2023-24 NSW Budget (over four years) towards progressing the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 project.
On 3 June 2024, the NSW Government announced a $2 billion investment to build better, connected communities in Sydney’s growing west. The 2024-25 NSW Budget paves the way to start construction on this essential project in this term of government.
Has the Stage 2 route been finalised?
Yes. The final Stage 2 route was determined under NSW planning approval.
Will there be property acquisitions?
With a project of this scale, some acquisitions of property will inevitably be needed. As with Stage 1 of the project, light rail is designed to fit primarily within existing road corridors, and whole or partial acquisition of property will only occur where alternative options are not feasible.
Transport for NSW’s Personal Relationship Managers have been appointed to work directly with impacted property owners and tenants and will continue to work closely with them as project progresses.
Will the project impact parking spaces?
Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 will reduce the need for people to travel by car around the Greater Parramatta and the Olympic Peninsula. This will in turn lower the demand for parking spaces.
Around 688 parking spaces will be directly impacted as a result of light rail construction and operations. Of these, around half are currently being used during peak periods.
Transport for NSW will work closely with City of Parramatta Council and other key stakeholders on strategies to lessen the impacts on residential parking such as:
- the provision of alternative parking
- staged removal of parking spaces.
How will the projects manage impacts on businesses?
Following a similar approach used in the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1 project, Transport for NSW will implement a small business support program and business activation plan to support impacted businesses along the alignment.
These initiatives will provide a framework to support businesses and activate public places before and during the construction of light rail.
Transport for NSW will also appoint dedicated Place Managers to assist affected businesses. This will serve as a single point of contact through which businesses can obtain project information and discuss impacts.
Will the project impact local trees?
With a project of this scale, there will inevitably be a loss of some trees to enable the construction and operation of light rail. Based on the current stage of design, an estimated 4000 trees within the project area will be impacted by the project.
Transport for NSW will seek to minimise the loss of trees throughout the design and construction phases.
To offset any trees that need to be removed, the project is committed to delivering a strategy to achieve a significant increase in tree canopy across the alignment and surrounding areas. The strategy will be developed in consultation with key landowners such as:
- City of Parramatta Council
- Sydney Olympic Park Authority.
Will there be any impact on heritage?
Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 has been designed to minimise impacts on important heritage landmarks and items across the alignment by using existing roads.
However, there will be some impacts on non-Aboriginal heritage and archaeology and potential impacts on Aboriginal heritage throughout construction. Consultation with Aboriginal parties has commenced about Aboriginal heritage and cultural values to identify and mitigate these impacts.
If unexpected heritage items are discovered during construction, the work will stop until a full assessment is undertaken.
Where direct impacts to heritage items cannot be avoided, the project’s heritage specialists will:
- salvage
- record
- preserve them.
Transport for NSW will continue to refine the project’s design to avoid direct impacts on heritage as far as practicable.
What will the light rail vehicles be like?
Options are currently being explored to use locally manufactured content for the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 vehicles.
While vehicle type and specifications will be determined during the procurement phase, all vehicles will be interoperable between Stage 1 and Stage 2 and comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth).
For indicative purposes, Parramatta Light Rail Stage 1 will use 13 CAF Urbos 100 light rail vehicles, which are about 45-metres-long with capacity for up to 400 passengers.
How can I provide my feedback?
There will be further opportunities for Transport for NSW to engage with the community and stakeholders throughout the project’s development.
For more information or enquiries, please contact us:
- 1800 139 389: 24 hour community information line
- parramattalightrail@transport.nsw.gov.au