Cyber Castle Challenge with Minecraft Education

Protect your chickens! Defend against foxes! Build your castle defences!


Questacon's Cyber Castle Challenge - Promo

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The Cyber Castle Challenge is an exciting learning experience in Minecraft: Education for students. Teach cyber security and the digital technologies curriculum through four distinct seasons:

  1. Defend your assets: Identify assets and balance resources to defend against predictable waves of fox attacks.
  2. Evolving threats: Collect intelligence, continue to balance resources and defend against unpredictable waves of foxes.
  3. Kingdom expansion: Manage and defend a wider network as the Cyber Kingdom expands.
  4. Who can you trust? Verify the identity of those accessing the castle and train users to identify strange behaviour.

Using this activity students can explore a range of cyber security role models and potential careers. They will be able to make connections with how cyber security impacts their lives and their futures.

Access Questacon's Cyber Castle Minecraft Education

Year groups: 7 – 8

Date and time: On-demand, 2 hours

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