Network security v2.0
How do networks secure our data?

More resources:
- Access Cyberhunt - a collection of short 5-15 min conversation starters, warm-up activities, or challenges
- Get a collection of cyber security posters
Have you:
- ever connected to Wi-Fi without a login or password?
- ever used free Wi-Fi at a fast-food place, shop, airport or another public location?
- ever clicked on links in an email that you didn't recognise?
- ignored software update messages on your phone/tablet device/computer?
- seen warning messages on your web browser when trying to visit certain websites?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have faced a cyber security risk and probably not even been aware of it. In this cyber security challenge, students will learn the fundamentals of wired and wireless networks and the underlying principles of digital systems using BBC micro:bits.
Year groups: 9 – 10
Access Network security v2.0 activity
Date: On-demand, 8-15 hours
Syllabus outcomes
NESA outcomes
Information and Software Technology 7 – 10: 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.3
Australian Curriculum version 8.4
Australian Curriculum version 9