What Albury offers
The Albury Regional Job Precinct will build on the opportunities provided by the NEXUS Industrial Precinct, a 450 hectare site zoned to support large or heavy industrial development, and work already done as part of the Albury-Wodonga Regional Deal.
Located along the Hume Highway and home to the NEXUS Industrial Precinct, Albury is primed for business expansion, with:
easy connections to major transport links such as the Hume Highway
Melbourne to Sydney rail line
the Inland Rail (once complete)
an open access intermodal hub on site
The NSW Government is working closely with Albury City Council and federal agencies to:
remove barriers to businesses setting-up in the precinct
drive local economic development
provide greater certainty for investors
Click to enlarge: Albury Regional Job Precinct map (PDF 1.01MB)
Industry and employment opportunities
The Albury Regional Job Precinct will support growth of industries such as:
advanced manufacturing
circular economy and recycling
freight and logistics
The precinct will offer an improved planning pathway, underpinned by technical studies. This streamlined process will help reduce the cost and time associated with establishing or expanding a business, that will:
help the precinct attract investment in a variety of industry sectors
lead to greater economic prosperity
create jobs for the local workforce, which is young, skilled, and growing
Albury is the first of four Regional Job Precinct locations, which also include Richmond Valley, South Jerrabomberra and Namoi.
View the FAQs below or download a printable version here. (PDF 147.94KB)
Delivery process and next steps
The Albury master plan is now finalised.
The planning changes will involve amendments to Albury City Council’s Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plans (DCP). This will create streamlined processes for development in the precinct.
November 2022
Community information sessions
A series of in-person and online community information sessions were held to provide an overview of the draft master plan and answer your questions.
November – December 2022
Draft master plan on exhibition
The Albury Regional Job Precinct draft master plan and discussion paper were on exhibition for 28 days. The master plan is expected to be finalised in the first half of 2023.
The department will publish a submissions report, summarising the feedback received and how the feedback has informed the final master plan.
December 2023
Master plan finalised
Updates and resources
Browse and download more information about Albury Regional Job Precinct, including:
Frequently Asked Questions
Development controls are outlined in the planning framework, which includes:
Albury Regional Job Precinct master plan
Changes to the local environmental plan (LEP) and development control plan (DCP)
The master plan and any proposed changes to the LEP or DCP are done in consultation with council and other key stakeholders
Current zones permit business, industrial and conservation land uses. Under the new master plan, the new zones will include:
a flexible zone for multiple uses, including manufacturing and recycling
a transition zone between residential and industrial areas
a conservation zone
For more information on zones, please refer to the discussion paper on the planning portal.
There will not be any land acquisition for the Regional Job Precinct.
Albury City Council will continue to assess and approve development applications in the precinct. This will be done in line with the new master plan and the amended Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plans.
For issues such as noise and odour, council will also remain the enforcement authority, along with the Environmental Protection Authority.
The precinct has been planned for staged development.
The first stage of development will be adjacent to the existing NEXUS precinct, where water, sewer and electricity are available. These services will be extended to cater for expected growth in demand in the future.
Future infrastructure, including road, sewer and water upgrades, will be funded through a combination of:
- development contributions (paid by developers seeking to set up or expand in the precinct)
- state and federal government grants if available
The NSW Government is working with Albury City Council to update development contribution plans to support future investment in infrastructure.
The master plan has been designed to protect and mitigate potential impacts on existing residents.
Any proposed development within the precinct will need to comply with air quality, odour and noise management measures. Set out in the planning controls, these measures inform:
- where industries are best located
- how environmental impacts should be managed
An analysis of the potential air quality, odour and noise impacts generated by proposed types of development has been undertaken as part of the master plan.
We respect and acknowledge the Wiradjuri people as the custodians of the land within the precinct.
The draft master plan:
- retains, protects and celebrates Albury’s proud Aboriginal culture and heritage
- encourages cultural land management practices
The precinct includes areas of high biodiversity value including habitat for the endangered and vulnerable species such as the Swift Parrot, Squirrel Glider, Sloane’s Froglet, Eastern Bentwing Bat and Southern Myotis.
The draft master plan protects a large proportion of this by retaining and expanding existing habitat corridors along creek lines. These corridors will provide important connections with nearby habitats.
Contact us about our Albury precinct
For more information, or to subscribe to updates from the Regional Job Precincts team, please contact us, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.
Email: regionaljobprecincts@regional.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 1300 REGION (73 44 66)