About the Fund
The NSW Government created the $50 million Connecting Country Communities Fund to invest in telecommunications infrastructure across two key delivery areas:
- Mobile Black Spot Program
- Broadband internet access
The Connecting Country Communities Fund is delivered by a partnership between the NSW Telco Authority, Regional Digital Connectivity program and telecommunication carriers.
All funding through Connecting Country Communities has been fully allocated and there are no future rounds planned.

Click to enlarge: Connecting Country Communities - map of locations (PDF 76.83KB)
Mobile Black Spot Program
The Fund provided $39 million to support delivery of 140 mobile base stations in regional NSW, extending mobile coverage to over 20,000 premises and along 1,500 kilometres of roads.
As part of the Australian Government's Mobile Black Spot Program the Fund will deliver:
- Round 1: 91 new or upgraded mobile towers delivering 4G voice and data services for more than 13,000 premises and providing over 17,500 square kilometres of mobile coverage.
- Round 2: 29 new or upgraded mobile towers delivering 4G voice and data services for more than 2,500 premises and providing over 7,700 square kilometres of mobile coverage.
- NSW Round: 20 new or upgraded mobile towers delivering 4G voice and
data services for more than 5,000 premises, and providing
over 7,600 square kilometres of mobile coverage.
This new infrastructure will improve mobile coverage along major transport routes, small communities and locations prone to natural disasters across regional NSW.
Broadband Internet Access
The Fund also provided $11.5 million to deliver internet connectivity to regional communities, comparable to the quality of service available in metropolitan locations. Two providers were successful for this funding, they are:
Communities across the Goulburn and Monaro regions can now access fast, reliable internet through a network of 36 new or upgraded wireless broadband towers available in the following locations:
- Goulburn region: Gundaroo, Collector, Wallaroo, Tarago and Murrumbateman.
- Monaro region: Bungendore, Carwoola, Michelago, Royalla and Googong.
These towers provide connectivity to around 3,200 premises that previously relied on a satellite internet service.
Kangaroo Valley Broadband Network
Communities across Kangaroo Valley can now access fast, reliable internet through a network of 8 new or upgraded wireless broadband towers in the following locations:
- Standish, Daves Hill, Clover Hilltop East and West, Friendly Inn, Red Rocks, Mt Scanzi, Scanzi South, Jarrets and Binya Hill.
These towers provide connectivity to around 600 premises that previously relied on a satellite internet service.

Contact us
For more information and updates about digital connectivity projects underway in regional NSW, contact us and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.
Email: rdc.program@dpird.nsw.gov.au