What Moree offers
Located within the most productive grain region in Australia, the Moree precinct provides access to high-value agricultural produce, innovative farming and a concentration of agribusinesses across 4,716 hectares.
The precinct aims to embrace new technologies, such as protected cropping and innovative energy solutions, while utilising the region’s transportation infrastructure, such as the Inland Rail route and Newell Highway in northern NSW.

Click to enlarge: Moree Special Activation Precinct map (PDF 1.02MB)
Industry and employment opportunities
Building on its road, rail and air transport connections, the precinct will create jobs across a range of industries, including:
- Value-added agriculture
- Horticulture
- Freight and logistics
Moree is set to become a true intermodal hub that will enable businesses to access global markets.
Read more about the goals and vision for our Special Activation Precincts.
Moree is set to become a true intermodal hub with road, rail and air transport links available. This will include connection to the Port of Newcastle which will enable businesses to access global markets.
Advancements in farming technology and on-farm storage will also increase Inland Rail efficiency. This will enable it to move increased volumes of product off the roads and onto rail.
Moree is known for its high-value agricultural produce and innovative farming.
There are opportunities to support value-adding industries, including:
- fertiliser manufacturers
- grain products
- meat products
- nut processing
Delivery process and next steps
The Special Activation Precinct model supports streamlined development approvals and business concierge support. This gives investors the confidence to relocate, establish operations, and attract skilled workers.
- The Moree precinct is now in the delivery phase, led by the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation.
- The delivery plan outlines the process and requirements for a business to set up and operate in the precinct, supported by the streamlined planning process.
For more information on our progress, review the latest project updates.
December 2019
Moree announced as a Special Activation Precinct
May 2021
Draft master plan exhibited along with an amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts-Regional) 2021
March 2022
Master plan finalised and NSW Government funding commitment for Stage 1 infrastructure works, such as roads, sewer, water and electricity services
November 2022
Delivery plan finalised, setting out criteria for design, landscaping, infrastructure planning, delivery and proposal assessment
Latest updates and resources
Browse and download more information about our Moree Special Activation Precinct, including:
Contact us about our Moree precinct
For details on the progress of construction or investment opportunities, please contact us at the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.
Email: activationprecincts@regional.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 1300 REGION (73 44 66)
Further information
Find out more about our Special Activation Precincts, Regional Job Precincts, Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation, and the Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund.
Our other Special Activation Precincts
Our goals and vision for Special Activation Precincts