Apply to have your fine written-off
If you're experiencing serious financial or other hardship and are unable to pay your fine, you may be eligible to have your overdue fine written-off.
Some online services will be unavailable on Tuesday.
How fine write-off works
If you are eligible to have your overdue fine written-off, you will not have to pay some or all of your fine but any demerit points (if applicable) will still be applied.
You will need to fill out an application form. You can ask someone to apply on your behalf.
You may be eligible if you:
- Are experiencing serious financial hardship and are unable to pay your fine.
- Have a medical condition or are experiencing a situation such as family violence, that is preventing you from paying your fine.
- Are unable to pay your fine via a payment plan or Work and Development Order (WDO)
What information we need
The application form will ask for:
your name, contact details and driver’s licence number
your overdue fine reference number
your income details including:
º any Centrelink payments;
º employment income;
º self-employed income;
º any other forms of income including investment returns;
º your partner's incomedetails about your current situation that is making it hard for you to pay your fine
details about your current expenses and assets including:
º Any properties you own, both the home you live in and any investment properties
º Any vehicles you own.
You will need to provide us with the following evidence to support your application:
copies of your payslips, Centrelink statements or other evidence of your income
copies of your bank account, credit union or building society statements for the last three months
evidence of expenses
report from a doctor or psychologist explaining any medical condition
report from a case worker, social worker or other professional confirming domestic problems
police reports or court documents to confirm your situation.
Please note: if you do not supply these documents, your application may not be processed.
Apply now
You can apply online to have your overdue fine written-off.
If your application is successful
We will review your individual situation carefully and if we agree to write-off some or all of your fine, we will not take any recovery action for five years.
You must not receive any further overdue fines within this five year period, or our decision may be reversed and you will have to pay all overdue fines.
If you don’t agree with our decision
If your application is unsuccessful and you are experiencing serious financial difficulty, you have the option to appeal through the independent Hardship Review Board.
Read more in the Revenue NSW Hardship Policy
Contact us
Got a question or need help?
Call Revenue NSW Monday to Friday between 7am to 7pm:
- Fines: 1300 138 118 or +61 2 7808 6940
- Overdue fines: 1300 655 805, 1300 001 525 or +61 2 7808 6941
Or log in to the relevant online portal:
Complete our feedback form