A mentally healthy return to work
As NSW opens up following a lengthy lockdown, the new challenge for businesses and employees is how to transition back into the workplace safely.

The importance of leaders stepping up
According to a June McKinsey Survey of 1,602 employed people, return to the office has raised concerns of socialising again, adjusting to travel, more rigid routines, retaining a work-life balance and exposure to COVID-19.
It’s vitally important that leadership addresses employees’ concerns about safety and flexibility, outlines expectations and most importantly, offers support. A leadership team that is approachable, visible and communicative makes it much easier for everyone to re-adjust.
As a leader, you are in a position to offer support by working directly with employees, helping them plan their return to work, addressing any work related stress or concerns they may have, making workplace adjustments where feasible and setting clear expectations. Find out more about what steps leaders can take.
Changing for the better
Returning to work doesn’t have to mean ‘business as usual’. Many businesses are offering more flexible work arrangements and understanding what can and cannot be done to support their teams return to the workplace.
Leaders who are open and honest with staff often see better productivity, leading to better business outcomes. It is important for leaders to meet their legal obligations to keep their staff safe both physically and mentally.
The NSW Government offers free training and coaching that can help you promote, manage and support mental health in your workplace. Providing a positive environment and support helps staff feel motivated and safe, which all helps to keep the business running in an efficient and profitable way.
To get a clearer picture of your workplace’s mental health, take the Workplace Pulse Check. It is a free survey that tells you how mentally healthy your workplace is and provides you with the easy steps, information and tools you can take to improve the mental health in your workplace.
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