Mentally healthy workplace resources

Practical advice to help business owners and leaders create a mentally healthy workplace.

For leaders

As a business leader, supervisor or manager, you play an essential role in creating a mentally healthy workplace. You don't need to be an expert - small actions can have a big impact on those around you.

This resource kit has practical ways to create a mentally healthy workplace. 

For small businesses

Running a small business can bring unique challenges that impact mental health, but creating a mentally healthy small business doesn't need to be costly or time-consuming.

This resource kit has tips and support for small business owners so they can create a mentally healthy workplace.

Having effective one on ones

Connecting with your workers is an important way of building a workplace culture that supports good mental health.

This guide has practical guidance on how to have effective one on one meetings with staff that will identify and address mental health risk factors. It contains a  structure to follow and example questions you can ask. 

Benefits of workplace mental health training

Education can help us understand mental health, and teach us how to support others in the workplace.

This resource kit explains the benefits of workplace training for employers, business owners and leaders, and provides advice on the types of training available to you. 

Supporting recovery at work

Recovery at work is about making small workplace adjustments to support your employees as they recover from an injury or illness. 

This resource kit provides simple tips for employers and leaders to support their worker as they recover at work.

For the NSW Government sector

The NSW Government is the largest employer in Australia. It also has the opportunity to deliver best practice mental health outcomes.

This resource kit provides Government leaders with advice and resources to support their workers and create a mentally healthy workplace.

Creating a workplace mental health policy

Workplace policies help set expectations across the business. They also demonstrate a commitment to worker wellbeing and positive workplace culture.

This resource kit includes information on the different policies businesses should have.

For regional businesses

Regional and remote businesses face unique challenges that impact workplace mental health, and just like physical safety, looking after worker psychological health is important. 

This resource kit has tailored advice and resources for regional businesses to promote, manage and support mental health at work.

For the manufacturing sector

The manufacturing sector has common factors that can increase the risk of workers developing poor mental health.

This resource kit outlines the risk factors, how to address them, and what you can do to create a mentally healthy workplace.  

Building workplace culture

Find out if your workplace culture is on the right track, and learn about the ways you can improve it.

This guide helps you to recognise what your workplace might look, sound and feel like when there is a great culture in place.

Supporting role clarity

Learn how you can help ensure workers understand what's expected of them and avoid uncertainty in their roles. 

This guide outlines some key practices to support role clarity and reduce the likelihood of confusion, conflict and stress in your workplace. A job description guide is included to make it easy to get started.

For the transport, postal and warehousing sector

The Transport, Postal and Warehousing sector has common factors that can increase the risk of workers developing poor mental health.

Learn what these factors are, how to address them and what resources you can use to create a mentally healthy workplace.

Arts and entertainment industry resource kit

The arts and entertainment sector has common factors that can increase the risk of workers developing poor mental health.

Learn what these factors are, how to address them and what resources you can use to create a mentally healthy workplace.

Related information


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Check how mentally healthy your workplace is

Answer a few questions and our tool can tell you how mentally healthy your workplace is compared to others across NSW. It will then give you confidential, easy-to-follow suggestions that could improve mental health at your work.


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Sign up for free training and coaching

We have easy-to-do programs you can use to improve mental health in your workplace. We have training for employers, managers, and employees. Led by experts, these programs are free and available now.

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