Social media guidelines

Social media is a powerful tool that allows the NSW Government to connect with the communities we serve in an immediate, familiar, and accessible way. When done well, social media can build meaningful connections, enhance trust, mitigate misinformation, change behaviour, and form communities. 

These guidelines are designed to explain how NSW Government agencies can effectively use social media to serve their communities. Anyone managing official NSW Government social media accounts may use the guidelines to find best-practice advice for providing customers with consistent, high-quality experiences. They are designed to meet the social media needs of teams with varying levels of experience. 

The advice provided in these guidelines is general in nature and may not apply to every circumstance. They should be used alongside relevant NSW Government, departmental and agency-specific policies. 


Contact us

Contact the NSW Government Social Team at the Department of Customer Service for advice on social media.  

The Social Media Guidelines are constantly evolving, just like the platforms that we work on. Please let us know if you have a suggestion or update to the guidelines.

Social Media Team contact form

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