Parenting support
Practical information, advice and support for parents on issues including your baby’s health, development and wellbeing.
Health, development and wellbeing
- Your local NSW child and family health centre for health checks, information and support, and help finding a parenting group
- Pregnancy, Birth and Baby helpline on 1800 882 436 to speak to a maternal child health nurse
- Australian Breastfeeding Association for support and information to establish and continue breastfeeding
- Tresillian on 1300 272 736 for advice and support in the early years of a child's life
- Family Connect and Support links children and their families to the appropriate support services in their local area
- NSW Get Healthy Service - call 1300 806 258 for free telephone health coaching to help you get healthy before, during and after pregnancy
Parenting and relationships
- Parent Line NSW on 1300 1300 52 for confidential advice and support about parenting and family issues from a qualified counsellor
- Raising Children for information and resources on pregnancy, newborns and raising children
- Deadly Tots for information, resources, parenting courses and community events for Aboriginal families
- SMS4dads is a free, text message service for expectant and new dads in NSW. It offers practical tips, information and resources to help connect dads with their baby and support their partner
- Kidsafe for information on how to make your home safer for children
For migrant and refugee families
- Community Hubs connects migrant and refugee families to their wider communities, as well as to organisations that provide health, education, and settlement support
- Settlement Services International offers support to migrant and refugee families, including help for children at school, with finding employment for parents and community support services
- NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service provides multilingual health information to people from multicultural backgrounds
For single parents and parents who are separating
- Raising Children has information, tips and resources for single parents
- Relationships Australia NSW offers a range of support services, courses and programs to help single parents and their children cope with change after a family separation