For job seekers with disability
Get help finding your next job if you're a person with disability, an injury, or a health condition.
RecruitAbility encourages job applicants with disability to find employment in the Australian Public Service (APS), including Senior Executive Service roles.
As well as supporting existing employees with disability, RecruitAbility can provide job applicants with disability:
- multiple entry points to the public service
- expanded career opportunities.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS has several pathways to employment. Their services can help applicants:
- expand social networks
- raise their standard of living
- increase financial independence.
Learn how the NDIS can help participants who'd like to work, to get the job they want, and keep it.
Disability Employment Services (DES)
DES providers support people with disability looking for work through:
- help with locating and applying for roles
- targeted training and upskilling support
- speaking to employers and co-workers about possible changes to workplace practices
- co-ordinating physical modifications to a workplace.
Find out more about Disability Employment Services at Services Australia.