Upskilling and retraining after losing your job
Find courses and training programs to help boost your chance of getting a new job.
Support and resources
There is a wide range of support available to help people upskill and boost their chances of getting a new job:
- Skill Finder connects you to free online courses to refresh existing or learn new skills
- Skills Hub offers free telephone support to help if you're looking for work or want to do further study or training
- Skills Checkpoint helps eligible workers aged 40 and over find employment and training options
- Skills for Education and Employment offers language, literacy and numeracy training to eligible job seekers
- Barranggirra offers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people end to end support through culturally appropriate mentoring.
- Skills Brokers can support you if you're unemployed or at risk of losing your job by helping you get new skills and training and find a new role.
Or learn more about low cost and free training opportunities at Skills NSW.
What's Next? if you lose your job
What’s Next? is run by the Australian Government and helps you decide what to do after you've lost your job. It follows a 3-step process:
- Where do I stand? - helps you navigate the retrenchment process
- Get your next job - tips on understanding your local job market and how to go about finding work
- Try something new - information on education and retraining options as well as identifying transferable skills.
Learn more about What’s Next? at the Department of Education.