Specifications for equipment and fittings
Find out the minimum specifications each equipment and fittings must meet.
Lights and delineators
The following lighting specifications must be met when using vehicles that have been conditionally registered.
Flashing/rotating beacon or warning lights
Beacon and warning lights must:
- emit an amber or yellow coloured light
- flash between 120 and 200 times a minute
- have a power rating of at least 55 watts. If LED technology is used – 25 watts
- be clearly visible at a distance of 200 metres in normal daylight in all directions
- must be used when the vehicle is moving or in operation.
For vehicles operating under Transport for NSW-issued overmass or overdimension permits, these lights must:
- not be a strobe light, and
- be clearly visible at a distance of 500m in normal daylight in all directions.
A flashing light displayed on a vehicle is intended to convey a specific warning to road users. To guard against incorrect use and to avoid possible detraction from the significance of a flashing light, their use and colour is limited to particular types of vehicles and in particular, circumstances as outlined in TfNSW vehicle standards information sheet VSI 8 Flashing Lights and Sirens.
Delineators and clearance lights
Any conditionally registered vehicle that is wider than 2.5m or longer than 25m operating under condition code/s G05 and or G093 must have:
- during the daytime:
- an “OVERSIZE” warning sign at the front and rear of the vehicle
- 4 brightly coloured red, yellow, or red and yellow, flags, each at least 450mm long and 450mm wide
- flags must be positioned on each side at the front and rear of the vehicle.
- at night:
- lights showing amber light to the front and red light to the rear.
Delineators do not apply to road construction vehicles travelling within 1km of a construction site if fitted with an amber flashing warning light.
Brake lights
Brake lights, where required, must operate when the service brakes are applied. For machines with a hydrostatic drive system, the brake lights, must operate when the forward / reverse travel lever is brought to the neutral position.
The brake lights must remain ‘ON’ whilst the travel lever remains in the neutral position. Machines that only activate the brake lights when the park brake is applied are considered non-compliant and not eligible for Conditional Registration.
Reflective tape
Reflective tape must:
- only be affixed to the sides and/or to the rear of the vehicle
- be affixed so that its lower edge is not less than 400mm nor more than 1500mm above the ground
- have a flat surface area that is perpendicular to the ground when affixed
- have red stripes on a yellow or an amber background that is at least 50mm high
- be made of Class 2 (or better) retro-reflective material complying with Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1906.1 – Retroreflective Materials and Devices Road Traffic Control Purposes – Retroreflective Materials.
If reflective tape is affixed to the side or to the rear of a vehicle, the tape must either run the full length of the vehicle or be affixed in 200mm long strips.
If the reflective tape is affixed to the vehicle in strips:
- The strips must be affixed in pairs (ie to the side or to the rear), arranged equidistant from the centre of the vehicle.
- The outermost edge of each strip must be within 150mm of the side/rear extremity of the vehicle.
- There must be one additional strip of tape affixed to the side of the vehicle at the middle if the vehicle is over 6000mm in length.
Conspicuous marking tape is not a suitable substitute or replacement for red and yellow reflective tape.
External rear view mirrors
External rear view mirrors must be:
- fitted on the left and right-hand side of the vehicle or rear view camera and screen visible to the driver
- at least 150 square cm
- a flat reflective surface
- adjustable - either by the driver/operator or another person - while the driver/operator is in the dedicated driving/operating position, (both left- and right-hand side mirrors)
- provide the driver with a clear view of the road to the rear of the vehicle and of any approaching or overtaking vehicle.
Steering systems and left-hand drive
The following steering specifications must be met when using vehicles that have been conditionally registered.
Vehicles with hydraulic steering systems
A 'Hydraulic Steering System' warning label that also displays the maximum advisory speed must be affixed to the dash of any vehicle fitted with hydraulic steering.
This label is to warn the driver that the vehicle is speed limited and must:
- have a minimum size of 100mm x 50mm
- have red lettering on an amber background
- be made of Class 2 (or better) retro-reflective material complying with AS/NZS 1906.1
- be clearly visible to the driver from the vehicle's normal driving position.
The label and its wording must be identical to the sample shown below:

Hydraulic steering system warning sign
Vehicles with left-hand drive
These vehicles must be fitted with a sign that states 'Left Hand Drive'.
Vehicles with dual control steering
These vehicles must be fitted with a sign that states 'Dual Control Vehicle'.
Signage for vehicles with left-hand drive and dual control steering
Each 'Left Hand Drive' sign or 'Dual Control Steering' sign must:
- be displayed in a prominent position at the rear of the vehicle
- have a one-character width spacing before and after each word
- have characters that are each at least 75mm high
- have:
- red lettering on an amber background with a 4mm black border, or
- black lettering on a white background with a 4mm black border
- be made of Class 2 (or better) retro-reflective material complying with AS/NZS 1906.1.
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