Youth Justice Victims Register
Victims Register for victims/survivors of young people
The Victims Register has been set up to allow certain information to be shared with eligible persons about young offenders. Learn about the information that can be shared with a person approved on the Victims Register and how to register as a victim.
What is the Youth Justice Victims Register?
Youth Justice believes that victims of crime should be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect for their rights and dignity. It is important that government provides victims with justice and protection. The Victims Register helps victims by keeping them up to date with information about a young person's sentence.
The Youth Justice Victims Register lists the names and contact details of victims who have asked to receive information about the young offender sentenced for the crime they have been a victim of. Find out who can register, what information is required and what other victim support services are available.
Youth Justice provides victims of crimes with many support options to help them move on after the crime against them. The first step is for victims to register by completing and submitting the Youth Justice Victims Registration form. Registered victims have the right to be kept informed of specified events as described in the Charter of Victims Rights as they relate to young offenders who were found guilty of a crime, have been sentenced by the courts and are currently in custody in a Youth Justice Centre. By knowing what happens to a young offender, victims can improve their recovery.
A person can be placed on the register if they have suffered harm because of an offence. Another person who has not been harmed by the crime can be nominated by the victim to to act on their behalf. Harm includes:
- physical injury
- mental injury
- emotional suffering (including grief)
- pregnancy
- economic loss
- or substantial impairment of rights accorded by law.
Victims can also include people who were financially or psychologically dependent on a victim immediately before that person died as a result of a criminal act committed against them by a young offender.
If a request for registration on the Youth Justice Victims Register is received and does not meet the above criteria, the request may be declined. In these circumstances the applicant will be contacted and advised, as well as welcomed to submit a revised request for registration if further information can be provided.
A person cannot be placed on the register if they are:
not directly involved in the offence for which the young offender is sentenced
a witness or bystander who was not caused harm as a result of the offence
a member of the victim’s family (unless registered as the victim’s representative or the victim has died)
a person who was not involved with the crime.
If a person’s application has been approved to be listed on the Victims Register, they will receive updates:
if there is a change to the young offender’s earliest possible release date
regarding the general area of residence on discharge from custody
if the young offender is about to be transferred to a correctional centre or mental health facility
if the young offender dies while serving a sentence or released on parole
if the young offender escapes or fails to return from leave and subsequent re-apprehension
if the young offender receives initial approval to undertake day and overnight leave
when the young offender becomes eligible for release on parole or when a parole order has been made and the date of release and any conditions placed on the parole order and any subsequent condition changes
if the young offender’s parole has been revoked and they are returned to custody.
In accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987, registered victims cannot be provided with the following information:
the location where the young offender is being detained
the actual date of a young offender’s initial day or overnight leave or any subsequent occasions on which leave is granted
the specific location where leave will be undertaken
the actual date of a young person’s release or discharge from custody
any other information that would defy Youth Justice NSW's legislative responsibility under the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
Victims can apply to join the Victims Register so long as the young offender is serving their sentence. If the young offender is in adult custody, the victim should contact the Corrective Services Victims Register on (02) 8688 0555.
Registered victims of young offenders who have committed a serious children’s indictable offence are also given the opportunity to make a submission to the Serious Young Offenders Review Panel (SYORP) regarding a young offender's leave.
SYORP is an independent body established to assess all initial applications for day and overnight leave submitted on behalf of serious young offenders and to provide recommendations to the Executive Director, Youth Justice. The panel will carefully consider a range of reports and submissions, including any submission from a registered victim, prior to making its recommendation on a young offender’s application for leave from custody.
Youth Justice NSW supports registered victims of young people who have committed a serious children’s indictable offence by ensuring notifications of the following:
- the young person is due for consideration of release on parole or is eligible for, or has applied for, release on parole
- SYORP has been asked to provide advice or make a recommendation about a decision to grant a young person leave or discharge under s24(1) of the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987.
The Registered Victim must also be informed of their right to make submissions to the:
- Children’s Court prior to the consideration for granting of parole
- SYORP, prior to the consideration for granting leave.
The written notice to the Registered Victim will include:
- the matter being notified
- that they may make a submission to the Children’s Court or SYORP (as relevant) about the matter
- the form that a submission may take and when the submission is due
- that the Children’s Court or SYORP (as relevant) will consider the submission made.
For more information, see the Youth Justice Victims Register Policy.
Victims interested in submitting an application to SYORP about their case can contact the Youth Justice Victims Register Office.
The Victims Services website provides practical advice for victims of crime, and can help them find information about:
- counselling and support services
- police investigations and court processes
- obtaining compensation
- domestic violence and sexual assault
- victims rights.
The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (Privacy Act) enforces laws regarding personal information within government agencies. It allows people the opportunity to make a complaint to Youth Justice about misuse of their personal information or apply to Youth Justice for an internal review concerning an alleged misuse of their personal information. These rights apply to both registered victims and young offenders.
Information given to registered victims in accordance with the Charter of Victims Rights is provided in the strictest confidence and on the understanding that the information and the identity of the young person must not be shared with anyone.
To learn more about the information held by Youth Justice, view Right to information. To apply online to access information, visit the Department of Communities and Justice.
Who to contact if you are unsure about any of the information?
Please contact the Youth Justice Victims Register Officer if you have any questions or want to discuss the matter further, including the application process. All correspondence should be marked confidential and addressed to:
- The Youth Justice Victims Register
Strategy & Engagement Directorate
Youth Justice NSW
PO Box 368
Haberfield, NSW, 2045
or email:
If you have any questions about completing the Youth Justice Victims Registration form or the function and role of Youth Justice and the Victims Register, please contact the Youth Justice Victims Register Officer on (02) 8688 9139.