Northern Rivers Community Leaders Forum Meeting Agenda - 9 November 2023
Details: Thursday 9 November 2023, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
# Item
- Introduction and welcome
- Tranche 2 funding – RHP Options for Expenditure
- Infrastructure program update
- Temporary housing agreements
- Resilient Homes Program
- RHP stream choice*
- Altering community pop-up sessions to maximise attendance
- Review of Issues Log*^
- Updates on items by exception: *^
a) Appeals
b) Council-led housing plans
c) Resilient Lands Program
d) Home Repairs Forum
e) Emails/calls to registered homeowners
f) Approach to demolitions, home relocation and recycling
g) Independent peer review of Flood Hazard Assessment Methodology
8. Proposals for next meeting: TBC
*^ Papers provided. Standing Item.